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Showing posts with the label University of maine

How Are We Doing with Free Speech in the USA?

How “The New England Idea” became “ the Communist Idea” ” at the University of Maine   "The Communist Idea" being that authors do not own the rights to their intellectual creations Clement Clay Photo Attribution Mathew Brady [Public domain] I recently published this history of the University of Maine on Medium , selecting the same publication that published my story on IDEXX,Dialogue and DiscIourse.   When i posted my recent stories, I used the drop down menu but I did not get the confirmation that either story had been submitted to the publication, instead they are published outside of a publication where they receive minimal exposure. This is nothing new in my experience. Note : 12 15 2019 Since I published this, I have discovered that the corruption of my publishing function, may be due to having registered under same name twice. This is not yet confirmed, but in the meantime, I have deleted the University of Maine post so that I can resubmit it. Lic...

A Credit Due to The Bangor Daily News

Tweet This In fairness to the Maine media which I have been recently been calling out for their suppression of free speech. I have to give credit to the Bangor Daily News which is currently allowing and interesting debate to continue on. The article is  Investments a better way to economic development than tax cuts   By Victoria Mayer, Special to the BDN Posted  March 15, 2015,  at  10:43 a.m. When I entered the discussion, I anticipated that my post would be blocked and therefore I made no effort to hold myself back when I posted this: She is on the right track in returning economic development to the local level as we see in the two city states of Maine thriving on the large haul they receive in taxpayer revenue coming from Maine and United States taxpayers and all of it invested within their own municipal boundaries- but these are state courts with streets flowing with revenue coming directly out of taxpay...

Christmas Banned at The University of Maine ( A Corporate Instrumentality of the State! )

TWEET THIS ! SEE THE WBAI VIDEO HERE This video ends with an announcement that it is not clear where the directive to  ban Christmas at The University of Maine comes from ( my phrasing) 1981 §10903. State agency The university shall be an instrumentality and agency of the State for the purpose for which it was established and for which it has been managed and maintained under Private and Special Law 1865, chapter 532, and related supplementary legislation.  [ 1981,  c. 693,  §§ 5, 8  (NEW) .] SECTION HISTORY 1981,  c. 693,  §§5,8  (NEW) . The identity of the persons making this decision is kept under cover in this article and video. However the University of Maine is a corporate instrumentality of the state- as so deemed by the Maine legislature in 1981 . In 1995 The Maine State Legislature granted itself jurisdiction over educational matters at the University of Maine and since at least 2002 there has been ...

Why Maine Should Say NO to Bonds!

TWEET THIS: Bonds are one of the ways that the Corporation of Maine finances its perpetual expansion and dominance over the free enterprise system. As the corporation of Maine concentrates the bulk of available capital in Maine under its own control, it drives the collective socio-economic culture of Maine in the direction determined by a class of overlords- some elected (the legislature and administration) and some not (the tzars and private partners in "public-private relationships). Governor Lepage's recent comment that "$100,000.00 a year income is not that wealthy" reflects the age old character of those in pursuit of wealth for wealth's sake, it is never enough- the goal is perpetually moved- one can never reach it because there is always someone wealthier until one gets to the level of the George Soros's of the world , a man on record of saying it is fun to use his wealth to destroy nations. This attitude is also present of the...