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Showing posts with the label command economy

I am a Baby Boomer, and this is the story of how my generation let the great wealth divide happen.

Featuring The Maine Capital Corporation of 1976  Established in the wake of a newly centralized United States Economy,  Image for post Image by Mackenzie Andersen using public domain clip art Legal status disclosure: This is an opinion of a layperson. independent researcher ,and private citizen of Maine. My generation, aka the baby boomers, did not create the great wealth divide that advantages the few at the expense of the many, but we allowed it to take place. In order to understand a great effect, one needs to understand the molecular response occurring at the scale of individual human interaction.This story posits that the centralization of the American economy was a large contributing factor in the creation and escalation of the wealth gap and examines how it manifested on location to the benefit of the private capital interests of the few. The story takes a step back in time to the when the first act of legislation passed after the centrally managed economy of Maine was ...

Why All Towns in Maine Need a Town Charter NOW!

"oppressant"   by  Pierre Metivier  is licensed under  CC BY-NC 2.0  RE: Commentary on Ordinances, According to Maine law. the only power that the inhabitants of a municipality are granted pursuant to the development of the municipality is that "they shall have a voice", which means public hearings or that one can submit comments to the municipality; but it stops there, as you shall learn by reading on. In the course of exploring the statutes and ordinances, I came across a section which said written comments would become part of the record. This is a slightly expanded upon version of what I submitted for the record: Inhabitants of the Municipality given a voice but excluded from power  Title 30-A:Part 2:Subpart 6-AChapter 187 §4324 of the Maine Revised Statutes2. Planning committee.   If a municipality or multimunicipal region chooses to prepare a growth management program, the municipal officers of a municipality or combinati...