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Showing posts with the label free enterprise system

New Book: Public Private Relationships and The New Ownership of The Means of Production

Tweet This !  F or the last six years  Mackenzie Andersen  has been independently researching the history of Maine's economic development statutes. Public Private Relationships and The New Owners of the Means of Production takes all the research she accumulated since 2009 and hones it down into a snap shot. The result is an new perspective on the history of Maine focusing on the years since 1979 when under the Longley Administration, the State of Maine began its transformation into the corporation of Maine. In 1979 Governor Longley invited the heads of Maine Industry to take the leadership role in writing new statutes which would over ride the Maine Constitution's prohibition against corporations chartered by special acts of legislation. Two corporations were chartered. The Maine Capital Corporation, a private investment corporation subsidized with tax credits and the Maine Development Foundation,which would design and function as activists...

Weston Neil Andersen 1922-2015

Tweet This This is my beautiful Dad and my great friend, Weston Neil Andersen, who died today. he had a loving heart and a great mind, intellectual, intuitive, and psychic. He represents that Maine that once was- a place where one can start a business on a dime and let it grow it's own way. I wonder what it will be like not having Dad around as part of the material world. Dad designed the mugs you see at the side and many other pieces in our line. Now he is with my mom, Brenda, again. Three days later: I feel that I want to write about my father at this time. I have another blog, the first blog I ever created called Sitting On A Log, That name came from the thought of being out in the middle of a forest and sitting on a log and thinking about everything and anything that enters one head, in other words contemplation,and so it seems in concept a more appropriate venue for my present thoughts, rather than this blog, where in...

OOPS- Maybe the Maine State Inc Owned Liquor Business Isn't As Profitable As Projected!

Tweet this post with short link: Maine officials worry state effort won’t recapture revenue lost in alcohol sales to NH Bangor Daily News Under the previous contract, inked by the administration of former Gov. John Baldacci, the state was paid $125 million plus a small percentage of the annual profits between $7 million and $9 million per year over the contract’s 10-year span. The company doing the work, however, made about $36 million each year in profit. Now how unfair is that- the company DOING THE WORK is making a bigger share of the profits that the corporation of Maine?  Gotta change that ! And I am sure companies will be rushing to compete for the contract especially after the University of Maine business consortium (a kinder, gentler way of saying public- private oligarchy), arranged to have the PUC terms of agreement changed in the Wind Baron Wars *  in order to chase Norwegian company Statoil out of Maine so that Maine ...

New Hampshire Passes Benefit Corporation Certification Bill

TWEET THIS USING THIS SHORT This is an interesting new development coming out of New Hampshire. When I first saw these words "Governor Hassan Ceremonially Signs NH Benefit Corporation Act at Badger Balm"- I thought Uh Oh New Hampshire is now going the way of Maine- but upon further reading I found this was not the case. This is a bill about Benefit Company certification . I think I mostly like it. Over the years of operating as a private enterprise, which has donated to umpteen hundred non-profit causes, I was often offended by non-profits as well - especially when I found them operating in the free market while conducting practices that go against the conventional standards of the free market - and when asked why would  answer such as "because we serve the public good" always with the undertone of "if you are not non-profit then you do not serve the public good" and I know this is not the case. There are plenty of private en...

In 1981 Maine Legislature Grants Itself The Authority to Centrally Manage Economy

A Free Enterprise System Cannot Co-Exist with A Centrally Managed Economy The following are out-takes from the statutory downloadable timeline ( With headlines added)  which I constructed by researching the statutes- A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation available for a minimum contribution for the many hours of research required for both this blog and the timeline.The only income I make from this blog comes from contributions in exchange for the downloadable timeline which includes internal and external links and bookmarks for ease of navigation. All links are active in the downloadable timeline.They do not transfer over in the cut and past function. From The Table Of Zingers This chapter (Municipal Bond Bank)  shall be construed liberally to effectuate the legislative intent and the purposes of this chapter as complete and independent authority for the performance of each and every act and thing authorized in this chapter and all po...

Juxtapositions of Fragments From The Whole - Food For Thought!

The purpose of The Time Line is to put the parts into the context of the whole That's when an intentionalism starts to seem very apparent: - with that thought in mind I am juxtaposing some of the interconnected fragments of the whole: From The Time Line   DOWNLOAD HERE                                                                                                           **************************

New A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation

Totally New- A narrative that has never been told before: A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes Of Transformation- from State of Maine to Maine State Inc. Filled with links and bookmarks for easy navigation and a special section on the 126th legislature

Maine Gov Rules- Request a Certified Copy- But Don't Use Them In Court!

NOTE ADDED ON May 6 2014 When I first published  How Maine's Home Rule Amendment Was Superseded By Statutory Law.   the Rules for Non-profit Corporations were found on line- Now that link no longer displays those rules and one must download the document which displays the rules. I downloaded it and then stored it on  Preserving The American Political Philosophy website   The doc is available for download on the Maine Secretary of State's webpage HERE: Rules For Non-Profit Corporations Title 13-B.doc. with a long list of other rules which come with this warning: Rule Chapters for the Department of the Secretary of State   WARNING: While we have taken care with the accuracy of the files accessible here, they are not "official" state rules in the sense that they can be used before a court. Anyone who needs a certified copy of a rule chapter should contact the   APA Office . We also offer  advice  if you're having trouble trying to view the...