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Showing posts with the label industry partnerships

Maine Statute Affirms "Shared Values" with The People's Republic of China

SHARE ON TWITTER: Here we are at the day before the vote and I still have a lot of territory to cover regarding the 2013 Maine legislative session which I researched for my time line, A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation , which you can receive in full by sending a contribution to this otherwise unfunded independent research blog to via paypal. I will then send it to you via PayPal as download links never seem to stay functional for long.                      In my last post I covered the No-Contest between the interests of the general public's need to know about toxic materials and the business interests of Maine State Inc . In the same legislative session a bill was passed confirming Maine's friendship with Chi na 2013 JOINT RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE STATE OF MAINE AND THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA Beginning with this statement: WHEREAS,  the United States and

Lepage and TheTotalitarian State

TWEET THIS Governor Lepage is working hard to get the youth signed up as workers in the the targeted sector. There is not a lot of detail in this video. Lepage says corporations will buy student debt because corporations want workers. He doesn't explain much but he says he thinks he can make this "profitable". Don't the students already want jobs so they can pay back the debt? And doesn't student debt belong to the student and not the state? How can the state give a tax credit in exchange for services rendered to private citizens? Why would a corporation have to buy a debt from the state in order to get students to work for them? There is a demand for jobs- and demand for workers- I think they can get together on their own without the state managing it. Perhaps Lepage feels empowered to step in where there is no need for government to intervene because in 2013 the Maine Legislature passed §3304. Industry partnerships T