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Showing posts with the label iuniversal

Confessions of A Blogger Writing In Her Pajama's - Well House Robe !

Tweet This Day Five of my Crowdfunder once again came up empty so now on day six it is looking unlikely that I will have garnered enough public support to take advantage of the 50% discount on the iuniverse program by 2 PM today when the sales person is going to check back with me. Perhaps when I complete the remainder of the thirty day crowdfunder I will have suceeded in garnering enough public support to justify investing in such a program. That bar is $500.00 because until I reach $500.00 I do not get to retain any of the funds pledged. If I reach that bar, perhaps there will be another deal available- or I can do another crowdfunder to try to raise the rest of the funds needed,- so with that thought in mind, I am going to continue with this crowdfunder to its completion. It feels like doing one of those dance marathons of the depression era-or a fillibuster speach on the floor of the Senate. This is a particular sort of endurance test whi...

MISSION: To Connect Global Popular & Local Understanding

TWEET THIS On day two of my crowdfunder I received my first contribution. I thank George Colby, whom I know via FaceBook, for his generosity, The other night I watched the premier of a new series on cable, Mr Roberts, Twenty or even ten years ago, the series would be considered science fiction but our contemporary world has already caught up with fiction and is now driving the story line. It is an age old theme about a secret sect of  the powerful who control the world, They go by different names-the most known name today is probably the Bilderberg Group. The series features such a corporate group secretly controlling the entire world through the E corporation, which the protagonist calls the Evil Corporation. The protagonist is a tech savvy young man- a security specialist working for the E Corporation. The series features a running narrative by the protagonist. A line that caught my attention was when the protagon...