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MISSION: To Connect Global Popular & Local Understanding


On day two of my crowdfunder I received my first contribution. I thank George Colby, whom I know via FaceBook, for his generosity,

The other night I watched the premier of a new series on cable, Mr Roberts, Twenty or even ten years ago, the series would be considered science fiction but our contemporary world has already caught up with fiction and is now driving the story line. It is an age old theme about a secret sect of  the powerful who control the world, They go by different names-the most known name today is probably the Bilderberg Group. The series features such a corporate group secretly controlling the entire world through the E corporation, which the protagonist calls the Evil Corporation. The protagonist is a tech savvy young man- a security specialist working for the E Corporation. The series features a running narrative by the protagonist. A line that caught my attention was when the protagonist said "they force us to work for them" . It resonated with my own feelings about the agenda statutorily entrenched in Maine through rhetoric glorifying the "public-private relationship"

Popular culture represents a certain level of collective awareness- not in the political sense but more like Jung's collective unconsciousness except that it is a form of collective consciousness. In my personal social media network there is a prolific awareness of Agenda Twenty One, which if my reader has not heard of, You can find out about it on Democrats Against Agenda Twenty One the first words you wil see on that page say:


 Rosa Koire, the founder of  Democrats Against Agenda Twenty One, is one of the most well known voices speaking out against Agenda Twenty One. She alerts us to the fact that Agenda Twenty One is a conceptual idea emerging from the United Nations but the plan is to embed it locally everywhere and yet it still seems difficult for a local populous to recognize that an agenda that they object to globally is actually being embedded at a local level.

My research has concentrated on that local embedding in the state of Maine. The rhetoric that Rosa Koire identifies as emergent from Agenda Twenty One is found embedded in the statutes that have constructed the corporate state of Maine in blatant violation of  the Maine Constitution, which prohibits the Maine legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation:


Article IV.

Part Third.

Legislative Power.

Section 13.  Special legislation.  The Legislature shall, from time to time, provide, as far as practicable, by general laws, for all matters usually appertaining to special or private legislation.

Section 14.  Corporations, formed under general laws.  Corporations shall be formed under general laws, and shall not be created by special Acts of the Legislature, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where the objects of the corporation cannot otherwise be attained; and, however formed, they shall forever be subject to the general laws of the State

And yet the Maine legislature has embedded a progressively expanding network of corporations serving as "instrumentalities of the state" into the government of Maine. I have been writing about this network for six years on my blog and so I will not go into detail here.

The purpose of this crowdfunder is to raise funds for my own efforts to connect with a supportive network- which I explained in the first update.

In this update I am talking about how I conceptualize my approach to writing a book on this subject. I began with a narrative about a new state of the art television drama because it represents a portrait of popular awareness. The problem that I see in popular awareness is in connecting what is understood on a global level with the way that is being implemented on a local level. In Maine no one was paying attention as the propaganda which replaced government for the people by the people and off the people was embedded into our statutes. It is the rhetoric of a political philosophy in diametrical opposition to the founding philosophy of the United States upon which the Maine State Constitution is based but the general public does not connect the dots and the main stream media has mainly served as a vehicle for the distribution of the propaganda.

PropagandaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population toward some cause or position.
Propaganda is information that is not impartial and used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively (perhaps lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or using loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information presented.
My challenge in presenting this story will be to find a balance between entertaining the ear of popular culture, which  needs to make this connection themselves and embedding the understanding that I am attempting to communicate in the real world- not just a remote mythological world out there but not part of what is happening right here at the most local level.
As I do that I also need to connect what is happening locally in Maine with what is happening in various degrees all across the USA. I hope to cover a few other key states, particularly the states associated with the emerging political candidates in our next election. Those political candidates, if governors, will tell the public how many jobs they created. I am not only interested in the numbers of jobs created but how they were created. I want to make a distinction between jobs created by fostering a free enterprise system versus jobs created by fostering state corporatism and a public-private hegemony form of government.

In so doing I will need to present information in a substantiated and analytical way which some may find boring but I want to reach those people who think analytical thinking is too boring and so I need to develop a writing style which will keep those people interested - That's the challenge !

If you understand what I just said- Please become a backer so that I can take advantage of the 50% discount currently being offered for the iuniversal self publishing program. I need to take that offer by Monday. In order to assure  that I can receive the funds gathered even if I do not reach my modest crowdfunding goal of $800.00- I need to pass the $500.00 limit. Once I achieve the $800.00 goal, I can be a publishing author on the Beacon website. No contribution is too small or large. Every contribution gives encouragement to write this book far beyond the value of the dollar amount.


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