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Showing posts with the label separation of powers

Comment Critical of Susan Collins Kavanaugh Speech Deleted from Boothbay Register Comments

The latest comment by this author to be removed from the comment section of the Boothbay Register takes censorship of free speech beyond the realm of local politics. You can read the whole discussion- minus my response to JFxm  HERE Discussion on  Boothbay Register    4 comments Proud of Susan Collins Mackenziella     Jfxm    15 hours ago Detected as spam   Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. I think you are missing the point. There is something called "Separation of Powers" which is in the United States Constitution. The Powers which are separated are the Legislature, the Justice Branch, and the Administration. "Innocent until proven guilty applies in the Justice branch of government because it is ONLY the Justice branch of government which has the power to prove innocence or guilt. Without that power, "innocent until proven guilty becomes "anyone accused of a crime is innocent. PERIOD" Collins di...

Boothbay, Maine Needs To Reconsider Town Ordinances With Common Sense!

Tweet This Boothbay Town Ordinances grant power to the planning board to regulate ANY activity done in the privacy of one’s own home for pecuniary gain which have minimal or no impact on the neighborhood. Protect Boothbay’s micro-economy. Real these ordinances at the Town Meeting First Monday in May Town Meeting In May ! Annual Town Meeting is held on the first Monday of May of each year at a time and place specified in the Annual Town Meeting . The Annual Town Meeting is the legislative authority for the all actions of the municipal government. Town Meeting gives the final authority to appropriate funds for the budget, approved changes to ordinances, and allow the Board of Selectmen authority to proceed with the annual business of the town. I consider myself fortunate to live in East Boothbay. Maine and part of the reason is because of the neighborly atmosphere of our small village,  but if we wanted to start a ceramic business in our l...

A Letter Of Evasion

T o date this is the only response that I have received from my letter addressed to Governor LePage with a copy sent to Attorney General Schneider. The only instances in which the response shows evidence that my letter was actually read is in the mention of the name of the Brunswick Landing Maine's Center for Innovation. in the first paragraph - and- in acknowledging that I am addressing a constitutional matter. However the grammatical structure of the first sentence  gives credence to the speculation that the letter is a form letter used as a response to multiple letters.  The letter says "Thank You for your letter requesting the "constitutionality of the Brunswick Landing  Maine's center for Innovation '" as though "constitutionality of the Brunswick Landing Maine's center for Innovation"  is imported content  in a mail merge process. More correctly I wrote a letter requesting that the Attorney General challenge the constitutionality of The B...