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Showing posts with the label state capitalism

Maine's Industrial Partnership Bill - Where Does it Lead?

The season for electing town selectmen is underway locally. I live in Boothbay but since a public private economic development group (JECD) has been implemented on the peninsula which finances itself by taxing both municipalities, it is fair game to ask questions of candidates for Boothbay Harbor selectmen announcing their candidacy in letters to the editor of the Boothbay Register. I started writing this blog back around 2007 because I observed that in the Maine media, economic development policy is reported propaganda style, one point of view presented, almost exclusively of all others. This media policy extends to major politically transformational economic development acts of legislation, or better said, the failure to publish stories and information before and after such acts are passed. The Industrial Partnerships Act of 2013 , is an arguably totalitarian measure which threatens to solidify the central management of everything in Maine by the public-private state. Shortly aft...

Lepage Seeks Control of Legal Settlement Funds Over Standard & Poor's Credit Rating Practices

Tweet This LePage seeks to wrest control of millions from Mills The governor orders the transfer of $21.5 million from a lawsuit settlement out of an account controlled by the attorney general. BY  EDWARD D. MURPHY   STAFF WRITER Response to Article Above: In this layperson's opinion Governor LePage, once again exhibits  confusion about the role of government and the rights of individuals . Funds derived from a lawsuit belong to those hurt by the action against which the lawsuit was brought. Such money is not the property of the state to spend for its own purposes. It is appropriate for the Attorney General to be in charge  of dispersing the funds to the intended recipients and inappropriate for the Governor to busy himself with such a task. The drama over who should be in charge of said task gives the appearance  of a Governor blinded by a lust for capital who believes that the lawsuit money is the property of the state...

Sleight Of Hand Magicians Of The State

This is rhetoric from the  2006 Opega Report on Maine;s Economic Development Program s as  first introduced to this blog in my previous post : Maine citizens make substantial investment s in economic development programs each year. These programs, taken together, constitute an investment portfolio that ideally should be designed and managed to assure that the State is getting the best return on its investment. There are, however, significant technical and political challenges in adopting a portfolio approach. The words " Maine Citizens "  refers to the people of Maine. Through a rhetorical sleight of hand, the authors of the OPEGA report switch the meaning of " Maine Citizens " with  that of " the State " , The latter term refers to the government sector, which in theory, if not in practice, serves the citizens of the state. The two terms are not interchangeable, with a possible exception within the context of  the political ideology of Karl Marx wh...

Transference of Wealth from Corporate Welfare to General Welfare

                                                           My Latest Political Art Work Free For the Sharing !                                                             

On Being An Anomaly In The Age of The Creative Economy Introduction: The Cultural Context Every organization and every business is its own culture. Andersen Stoneware is a cultural environment that places a distinct and unique value on the process of making things. The Creative Economy is a culture that places value on designing (innovating) things. Andersen Stoneware designs what it makes and so Andersen Stoneware also values innovation. Arguably, the Creative Economy is  a response to the loss of manufacturing (making things) in the United States and the rise of manufacturing in what was once called third world nations. As such the ideology of the Creative Economy movement glorifies designers over makers as it separates the act of designing from the act of making (also  repairing and maintaining which are qualified as "lesser skilled work " according to the "creative economy" system of measurement) ( example) In the marketing of the Creative Economy, those that design, do no...

Obama's War On Business and the Impeachment Process

As I watch the daily news these days  I feel like the Obama administration feels it now has a mandate to charge full force ahead in its War On Business- or private enterprise- which is the more accurate terminology to use for the phrase "capitalism" coined by that infamous proponent of state capitalism- Karl Marx. The idea that reality can be transformed though a linguistic structure of perception is a popular method of the far left, as popular as using "social benefit programs" to sell themselves as the people's friend, when in fact those programs are being used to rob the public of their independence in exchange for the same sort of "property maintenance" that a slave owner needs to implement in order to maintain the value of his property. So as Obama's War on Business proceeds we see business closing and laying off people to try to dodge the rapid fire assault that is being aimed right at them. Since the mysterious authors of the "too big...

Angus King's Almost Legal Insider's Investment Club. - Part One

Tweet This !! More on The Small Enterprise Growth Fund (since 2014 known as The Maine Venture Fund), signed into law by Angus King to become the most secretive Maine state corporation ever . I have been writing about the SEGF since 2009, when I  participated in competition at the  Juice Conference for what seemed to be a micro-economy investment, promoted as contributed by an "anonymous donor", later revealed to be the SEGF. At that conference and on the SEGF's website the taxpayer's role in subsidizing this investment company is promoted with the explanation that for every dollar that the Maine taxpayers "invest", high growth investors contribute nine dollars. When I first heard this statement and until a few days ago, I took it to be a case of incorrect language as the model that I had constructed in my mind was one in which investments are made on an individual basis in individual companies and so it seemed to me that i...