Quote from the Camoin Report, Economic Development Master Plan: Boothbay Region, Maine (Towns of Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Southport and Edgecomb) Economic Development Action Plan Matrix Objectives in the Action Plan Matrix are intended to address change and leverage the Boothbay Region’s assets to best meet future needs while reflecting community values. Strategies were derived from data analysis, stakeholder interviews, the work session, research, and review of previous planning documents. When applicable initiatives build upon actions that are currently underway or have been suggested previously as part of prior planning efforts, while other initiatives focus on economic development best practices and an understanding of the issues facing the region and individual communities. The actions within the Economic Development Action Plan encourage a cooperative approach to regional economic development, to foster an environment that is welcoming, creative, e...
Examining the Fundamental transformation of the American political system that originated in the political philosophy preserved by Publius in The Federalist Papers. This blog was originally published as Main Street Economy and focused on legislation passed in the state of Maine "inspired" by similar laws passed by other states which collectively constitutes a fundamental transformation of the American political philosophy within state incubators.