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L.R. 492: Governor LePage's Unconstitutional Proposal

   L.R. 492, is a  bill the LePage administration submitted recently to clarify the law exempting some aviation companies from paying property taxes. The language of the bill is not yet public, but George Gervais, Gov. Paul LePage 's commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development, said Wednesday that it is designed to ensure that the law exempting aviation uses is applied consistently. LePage administration wades into Brunswick tax fight  -Steve Mistle   Portland press Herald What Governor Lepage and the state's  Department of Economic and Community Development  are proposing is is a violation of the Home Rule Amendment of the Maine State Constitution, providing that property taxes are included in the charters of municipal corporations. There cannot be anything more clearly " local and municipal in character" than property taxes- which are based on property located within the municipality and are justified as p...

Professor Seldman's Low Brow Argument Advocates the Over Throw of the US Constitution

As I am setting out to write Part Three of my Madison VS Marx series, I had in mind to make it be about education. This is an article published in the New york Times calling for  Americans to give up on our constitution .  written by a member of the US academic class, an "esteemed" educator sharing Obama's alleged Alma mater, Harvard - only L ouis Michael Seidman. actually is a constitutional professor at Goergetown University The article by professor Louis Michael Seidman echoes the call by our current president when, as an educator, in 2001, Obama called for t he Supreme Court to  break with the constraints of our constitution. Professor Seidman identifies himself as a progressive in the paper he authored , Left Out . The term "progressive" simply means progressing towards socialism which then "progresses" toward Communism, and so is just the current popular language signifying Marxism. The term "conservatism" in the  USA means conser...

Madison VS Marxism - Part Two James Madison.

Madison VS Marxism -Part One Karl Marx Like Karl Marx, Madison was born into a wealthy farming family, and like Karl Marx, James Madison took up the cause of the laborers as recorded in various comments that Madison makes about slavery in the Federalist Papers and in letters. In Colonial America of the 1700's, the farm laborers were slaves. Slavery later became an issue of great contention during the framing of the United States Constitution but it was realized that trying to resolve the issue of slavery while trying to bring several states into a union, some of which had economies dependent on slavery was not a viable direction. Like Karl Marx, Madison was sent to college to study. Madison attended the University now known as Princeton. Unlike Marx, Madison was a diligent and hard working student. Where as Marx became co-president of a drinking society, Madison founded a debating society called the American Whig–Cliosophic Society .  Madison's studies include...

Madison VS Marxism - Part One- Karl Marx

In contradistinction to the class warfare and collectivist ideology marketed by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto and Barack Obama in his never ending political campaign , the United States of America was founded in an ideology rooted in the balance of power aimed at protecting individual freedom as expressed in the words of James Madison It is of great importance in a republic not only to guard the society against the oppression of its rulers, but to guard one part of the society against the injustice of the other part. Different interests necessarily exist in different classes of citizens. If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure. There are but two methods of providing against this evil: the one by creating a will in the community independent of the majority -- that is, of the society itself; the other, by comprehending in the society so many separate descriptions of citizens as will render an unjust combination of ...

When The American Dream Meets The Communist Manifesto

This post is of a more personal nature. In my local existence I am surrounded in all directions by those who voted for Obama, not  just once but twice. Some of them are aware that I listen to the news every evening and that I have a strong interest in politics and so if I should ever introduce a political subject they quickly leave the room or respond with a non sequitur. They never introduce any political subjects themselves and so it is impossible to tell their level of awareness about what is going on in the world. It is hard  for me to understand how anyone can watch the nightly news and not feel compelled to express ones thoughts, the more so during the election season- but I watch Fox News and if they watch the news at all it is probably the main stream media, which in 2012 might as well be called the Pravda media , appropriate to the way the news is  reported in service of our dear leader president Obama. This is a difficult post to write as I am not sure what to...

The War of the Memes

 A meme (   / ˈ m iː m / ; meem ) [1] is "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture." [2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures .   as quoted from wikipedia Below is a well informed and clearly articulated  video by a New Zealand researcher and author Trevor Loudon, author of Barack Obama And The Enemy Within . Loudon has investigated Obama's background and the deeply rooted communist beliefs of those that shaped the philosophical development of the youthful Obama. In this video, created before the elections , Loudon pleads with Americans, for the sake of the entire western world, not to re-elect Obama An Urgent Message To A...

Banned by Conservative Hammers

Yesterday, I was banned from the Face book forum, Conservative Hammers for questioning the media’s representation of the change in committee member’s of the House Budget and Financial Committees. - Also for defending John Boehner and Mitt Romney. This does not matter since participation in a forum is only as valuable as the degree to which one has the freedom of speech to express one’s views. When Keith Brock, after reprimanding me for addressing him by his full name rather than as “Sir” or Mr. Brock”- telling me that I had not been granted permission to address him by the name that he goes by on Face book, published an announcement that he did not like to take such an action but as he announced “she is not a conservative’ and so he is justified in silencing my voice on the forum that he governs. It is ironic because the “true conservatives” that allegedly populate Keith Brock's face book forum, Conservative Hammers, are part of the media chorus which unilaterally reports that ...