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Twitter Exchange with Steve Woods Continues Via Proxy Abigail Adams

Tweet This ! Today Abigail Adams decided to weigh in on my twitter exchange with Steve Woods. Abigail is clearly a pseudonym hiding the real identity of the poster and intended to give the impression that the poster is a conservative or even a member of the Tea Party. Steve Woods did not make an appearance, at least not in his true identity. For all we know about Abigail Adams, she could be Steve Woods. Abigail entered the conversation with this tweet: Tide Smart got loans through the Recovery Act (stimulus). Steve Woods had entered the conversation in response to my tweet: "Baldacci and Woods claim Tide Smart Global was financed by stimulus funds- Is that so? ? !! http://   and said in a clearly mocking tone "President Obama was born in Hawaii, Climate Change & gravity are both real & TSG never received a penny of stimulus funds."  I suppose that is meant to imply that Tide Smart Global did receive stimulus fund...

My Twitter Exchange with Democratic Candidate for maine Senate Steve Woods

Just In- My Twitter exchange with Democratic Candidate for Maine Senate over claims made in article published by PR Newswire that Tide Smart Global was funded with state and federal stimulus funds SEE The Mystery Of TideSmart Global Stimulus Funding and the Vanishing Media Coverage June 20 2013 Mackenzie Andersen ‏ @MackenziAmerica                         Woods helps women prosper ! (May 9, 2014) http://   via @writingMaine but how was Tide Smart Global really financed? Ask Him                   Mackenzie Andersen ‏ @ MackenziAmerica 2h @ writingMaine # mepolitics Baldacci and Woodsclaim Tide Smart Global was financed by stimulus funds- Is that so? ? !! http://   Steve Woods ‏ @ StevoeWoods ...

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy

Totally New- A narrative that has never been told before: A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes Of Transformation- from State of Maine to Maine State Inc. Filled with links and bookmarks for easy navigation and a special section on the 126th legislature

New A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation

Totally New- A narrative that has never been told before: A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes Of Transformation- from State of Maine to Maine State Inc. Filled with links and bookmarks for easy navigation and a special section on the 126th legislature

Maine Gov Rules- Request a Certified Copy- But Don't Use Them In Court!

NOTE ADDED ON May 6 2014 When I first published  How Maine's Home Rule Amendment Was Superseded By Statutory Law.   the Rules for Non-profit Corporations were found on line- Now that link no longer displays those rules and one must download the document which displays the rules. I downloaded it and then stored it on  Preserving The American Political Philosophy website   The doc is available for download on the Maine Secretary of State's webpage HERE: Rules For Non-Profit Corporations Title 13-B.doc. with a long list of other rules which come with this warning: Rule Chapters for the Department of the Secretary of State   WARNING: While we have taken care with the accuracy of the files accessible here, they are not "official" state rules in the sense that they can be used before a court. Anyone who needs a certified copy of a rule chapter should contact the   APA Office . We also offer  advice  if you're having trouble trying to view the...

Maine's Gubernatorial Candidates: Michaud on Energy

The other day , I was asked, whom do I support for Governor  and I said "someone who has yet to emerge." I am commencing an investigation into Maine's gubernatorial candidates, which started unofficially with my last post on LePage's "Open For Business: campaign;  Here is a summary of the Open For Business  legislation , which I will be examining further in another post. There is much in the bill that was not mentioned in the  Kennebec Journal article  that I used as a source in my previous post. I expect this to be a sporadically organized project - as  I work spontaneously - in the moment, on the go, in between other things that need to be done. The gubernatorial hopefuls are listed here .The ones we usually hear about are Lepage, Michaud, and Cutler but there are three relative unknowns on the list others on the list: Adam Eldridge (Independent) - Project Engineer Lee Schultheis (Independent)  - Retired Financial Executive  D...

Blocked ! for "Deep-Thinking" about Maine State Corporatism

Tweet This !   I have been publishing this blog since about 2007 , During this time , it has remained an off-the grid blog in Maine politics and elsewhere with exceptions going for the forums As Maine Goes and The Maine Citizen . I have never seen this blog included on any on-line listings of Maine political blogs, although I have written to various places that post Maine political blogs, including The Maine Heritage Foundation , The Other Side of Town , and Maine Politcs , Pine Tree Watch Dog , as well as other national investigative reporting organizations. For the most part my correspondence goes unanswered. Recently, I received the following message from the Maine Conservative Patriots (Facebook): Howdy, I want to thank you for your past contributions to The Maine Conservative Patriots, you are a very deep thinker... and the most of the time, way over my head and I feel over the heads of many others on my site. I think I wa...