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I am a Baby Boomer, and this is the story of how my generation let the great wealth divide happen.

Featuring The Maine Capital Corporation of 1976  Established in the wake of a newly centralized United States Economy,  Image for post Image by Mackenzie Andersen using public domain clip art Legal status disclosure: This is an opinion of a layperson. independent researcher ,and private citizen of Maine. My generation, aka the baby boomers, did not create the great wealth divide that advantages the few at the expense of the many, but we allowed it to take place. In order to understand a great effect, one needs to understand the molecular response occurring at the scale of individual human interaction.This story posits that the centralization of the American economy was a large contributing factor in the creation and escalation of the wealth gap and examines how it manifested on location to the benefit of the private capital interests of the few. The story takes a step back in time to the when the first act of legislation passed after the centrally managed economy of Maine was ...

How Will Remote Workers Change Corporate Welfare in America?

Fernando Handez-unsplash In  American Investment in the Twentieth Century ,   Marco Rubio dates the time when the American macroeconomy started prioritising investments in financial assets over investments in research and productivity as the turn of the century. There are diverse factors playing into the evolution of the American economy and there is no better time than when the world economy is undergoing an forced transformation to examine the entangled threads that brought the American economy to its recent structural configuration. Before corona virus the American economy had taken on a quality of weightless clouds of monetary investments. The silver lining in the dark cloud called carona is the potential to reconnect income to earning, giving new impetus to growth from the roots. A Sudden Change in Course! In recent news Mark Zuckerberg announced that employees choosing remote work on a permanent basis may face a reduction in pay, a seemingly bad ...