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The China Connection

Tweet This This video series on foreign trade zones is very informative about foreign trade zones which are harbored in Maine at the two city states of MRRA and Lorring and other locations as well .  I have been writing about how the Maine legislature sells its redistribution of wealth policies (from tax payers to private capitalists) to the public as "job creation". Notice that this is the way the selling of America to China is also being sold to the American public- its job creation. Wikipedia on Foreign Trade Zones A foreign-trade zone (FTZ) in the United States is a geographical area, in (or adjacent to) a United States Port of Entry, where commercial merchandise, both domestic and foreign receives the same Customs treatment it would if it were outside the commerce of the United States. Merchandise of every description may be held in the Zone without being subject to Customs duties and other ad valorem taxes >>>>> Wiki

Civil Update

Tweet This Today I learned that the Maine Senate has appointed a new business counci l. I have added links to the list that the government provided. Here it is Members of the Business Advisory Council are: Larry Grondin                         Grondin Construction Cathy Manchester                 Cathy Manchester Team  (realtor) Tim Varney                             Varney Agency  (insurance & bonding) Scott Hawthorne                     Mathews Brothers  (manufacturers of Acrylic Windows) Morrill Worcester                    Worcester Wreath  ( sends wreaths to Arlington Cemetery) Jason Levesque                      Argo Marketing  (customer services) Ginger Duryea                        CN Brown (Retired)    Big Apple Food Stores and Red Shield  Wayne Hamilton                  Hamilton Marine  (retail marine supplies) Also today, I submitted this online to the Senate President concerning the statute passed in 2013 making changes to the w

A Credit Due to The Bangor Daily News

Tweet This In fairness to the Maine media which I have been recently been calling out for their suppression of free speech. I have to give credit to the Bangor Daily News which is currently allowing and interesting debate to continue on. The article is  Investments a better way to economic development than tax cuts   By Victoria Mayer, Special to the BDN Posted  March 15, 2015,  at  10:43 a.m. When I entered the discussion, I anticipated that my post would be blocked and therefore I made no effort to hold myself back when I posted this: She is on the right track in returning economic development to the local level as we see in the two city states of Maine thriving on the large haul they receive in taxpayer revenue coming from Maine and United States taxpayers and all of it invested within their own municipal boundaries- but these are state courts with streets flowing with revenue coming directly out of taxpayer pockets and so they will n

The State of Maine and its Freedom of Speech Crisis

Tweet This SHARE IF YOU AGREE ! -The Maine media excludes most constitutional considerations from political talking points- except when they are used as political points against one party or the other. In 2013 The Legislature passed a bill that removed the constitutional requirement that certain fiscal information accompany bond questions on the ballot and declared that such information would be placed outside the guard rail (meaning outside the voting area) . Although this was blatantly repugnant to the Maine Constitution, Governor Lepage did not veto it and the Maine media did not cover it. And so bringing the US and Maine constitution back into the political talking points in Maine is going to have to start as a grass roots movement. I have often written about the Maine media being part of the problem in which the state of Maine has been fundamentally transformed away from its constitutional basis and into the Corporation of Maine. And I have wri