Those who Benefit from the Closure of St Andrews Are Those Who Benefit From Relocating Boothbay's Retirement Community
Tweet this : The Boothbay Peninsula's Emergency Room will close its doors on October 1st. When the decision was first announced in the Boothbay Register it was stated that it was not a decision based on money. If memory serves me right, a claim was made that it was about quality of service. Since then the story has been perpetuated by some that St Andrews was not making a profit, with others claiming that it is profitable. I asked the opinion of someone familiar with the inner circle. He claimed that the appearance that St Andrews did not make a profit was created by the way that medicare presents bills. I believe he said it was in the year 2007 that all the books had been closed when after that fact medicare presented a sizable bill. This gave the appearance that St Andrews was not making a profit but that since then the hospital had caught up on those payments.This is a reasonable explanation for a controversy over whether the hospital is or is not prof...