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Showing posts from 2016

Government by Public Private Relationships.As Maine Goes, So Goes the Country!.

During the election campaign Trump advocates sold Trump as a better executive to appoint US Supreme Court Justices than Hillary Clinton. I responded by citing Donald Trump's support for the Kelo vs New London Supreme Court decision ,which Trump praised as 100% correct.  Kelo v. City of New London,1 545 U.S. 469 (2005) was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States involving the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one private owner to another private owner to further economic development. In a 5–4 decision, the Court held that the general benefits a community enjoyed from economic growth qualified private redevelopment plans as a permissible "public use" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. In effect Kelo vs New London says the big businesses like Trump Entertainment Industries, employing more that 1000 can override the constitutional property rights of other Americans for the purpose of economic development. SUSOETTE KELO E...

Public Private Relationships And the New Owners of the Means of Production Available In Print

Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production is now available in print- in time for the start of what is currently looking like Amerika's first fully open public private federal government with globalist Trump and family seeming apparently unaware as to any conflict of interest between running their global business empire in conjunction with administering the US government! As in Maine, public private relationships are surrounded by a fluid relationship to  general laws governing the rest of society. Here is a post-election link to a story about Trump and family's business dealings in India, Trump’s extensive deals in India raise conflict-of-interest concerns Here is a link to my book documenting how government by public private relationships has been aggressively and incrementally replacing government by the Maine Constitution in Maine over the last forty years: GET THE BOOK_ PUBLIC PRIVATE RELATIONSHIPS AND THE NEW OWNERS OF THE ME...

Two Round Abouts in Boothbay Plan ?

This is a comment posted in response in the lobbying video for the Boothbay Round Abou t, which the video reveals to be two round abouts: The first shown above and the second shown below; Or if I am mistaken and they are the same round about, then the round about is not located where the much discussed four way stop is situated . It is the four way stop and the "traffic from the botanical gardens, which I have never even noticed which is said to be a "nightmare" of a congestion problem" (wishful thinking!) Not intended as a comment on the quality of the video production, which is well done, but this is a propaganda video because it is presenting only one side of the question and is clearly intended to sell the round about to the public. One of the quotes is "No matter what the volume on the road- it is constantly moving". That is true for the roundabout. It is not true for the four way intersection which has four stop signs. Th...

Public Deception Used to Sell Boothbay Round About

This report comes by way of the Boothbay Committee Opposed to the Boothbay Round About: Yesterday I met with the Boothbay town manager to obtain a copy of the 2002 “State Route 27 Corridor Study” and to question him about the town’s relationship with Paul Coulombe’s limited liability corporation (PGC5), the entity the selectmen propose the town partner with in the creation of the roundabout project. The selectmen refer to the “Corridor Study” as the Bible on which they base their conviction that we have serious safety and traffic problems and that a roundabout is the answer to them. What I learned in the conversation and by reading the “Corridor Study” astounded me.   1. Only four of the 2002 corridor study’s 48 pages discuss the Boothbay Common area. They contain not one word about traffic safety. The study makes no claim that an unsafe situation exists. It recommends a roundabout at the Corey Lane intersection in order to relieve traffic congestion. It provides no stat...

Public Private Relationships And The New Owners of the Means Of Production now available on Kindle for Amazon

Get Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production on Amazon Kindle! ( note- an update is being processed to fix mismatched title pages but if one clicks on the title links it gets you there anyway )  Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production tells the story of the transformation of Maine from a state to a development corporation following the history and records of economic development statutes. In 1876 an amendment was added to the Maine Constitution which prohibits the Legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation. In 1968 Maine became a constitutional Home Rule State as authority was granted to municipalities to fund economic development projects with municipal bonds approved by a public referendum. Previous to Home Rule, general obligation bonds in which a particular industry received tax revenues was struck down as a violation of The Maine Constitution, Article IX, Secti...

A Chapter by Chapter synopsis of Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production

Get Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production on Amazon Kindle! What is Conservatism? The author's definition of conservatism told in the context of the political grass roots environment of 2015 influenced by the alt right as Donald Trump was gaining political momentum. A discussion of the Kelo vs New London Supreme Court decision. Governor Seldon Connor's Speech and the Opinion of the Justices In 1951 the Justices of Maine delivered a constitutional interpretation of Article IV Part Third Sections 13 & 14, that did not use the text of the Constitution as their measure but instead cherry picked words from Governor Connors Inaugural Address. Governor Longley’s Architects of Transformation In 1979 Governor Longley invited the heads of Maine's most prosperous industries to produce a report and to lead the Legislature in reinventing Maine government. The Legislature declared that centrally managing the economy is ...

Young Republicans For Evan McMullin Video ! It's a Blast!

Confucius Institute Merges with Maine State Inc and English becomes a Second Language

The film Conspiracy  is described like this:  This  is the story of the top-secret Nazi meeting to debate the merits of Hitler's 'Final Solution,' the extermination of the entire Jewish population of Europe. Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci star in this gripping drama.  The film is based on document of record about a meeting that took place among the power elite of Nazi Germany (excluding Hitler) . The meeting took place in a very wealthy home which once belonged to a Jew. Although the meeting is billed as a "debate" about policy, it is actually an announcement about policy that is already being implemented on a mass scale. The film is a dramatization of what a corporate state looks like in action and taken to its worse degree. The board sits around the table and every one has their folders and they discuss the merits of "the program" in a very businesslike manner.   As the drama evolves it becomes clear that it is not just the human po...

Walking Through The Looking Glass When I started doing the research for my book, Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production, one of my first resources was the Maine Constitution by Marshall J Tinkle, recommended by the Maine Legislative Library. The first chapter of Mr Tinkle’s book tells of  a commonly held belief that no one reads the Maine Constitution, a statement which is evidently true even among the Maine Legislature. I once said to someone running for legislative office that the Maine Constitution prohibits the Legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation. He asked me where that is said in the Maine Constitution. It is said in the section on Legislative Powers, a section which it is reasonable to expect one running for the Maine Legislature to know. That commonly held belief is not entirely true. I have read the Maine Constitution and there are others in Maine who have also done so. Bangor Daily News journalist Mike Tipp...

Free Download for Limited Time; Public Private relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production FREE DOWNLOAD FOR LIMITED TIME ! My book Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production is now available for a free download. WHY? Because I need YOU to read it! And because I need people who have read my book to pledge to support my crowd sourcing project for the publication of this book. I now have a great publisher to work with after dumping IUniverse I am collecting pledges for day one or whenever is best for you. A Crowdfunder that starts on day one with a lot of support has a better chance of succeeding. If you think this book has an important place in our contemporary dialogue, please help in what ever way you can to help this book make it intothe marketplace. I need to raise $10000.00. I will start a crowd sourcing project when I have enough pledges to give it a good start. About Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production: n 1979 The Maine legislature deemed central management...

How the Chinese Upended Koons & Clinton's Cultural Disconnect

  I wrote this piece a while back but it is also relevant today. In 2012 then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton awarded Jeff Koons the first United States Medal of Art. When Koons gave a speech in China, Clinton declared that Koons was an inspiration to his audience. Inspire he did but not as anticipated. ba·nal bəˈnäl,bəˈnal/ adjective so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. "songs with banal, repeated words" On  November 30, 2012  , Jeff Koons, star of the blue chip art galaxy, was awarded the first United States Medal of Art by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The main reason given for selecting Koons is that he is very famous and shows in  top of the market art galleries. In the honorary speech, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton recognized Koons for the time in that year when he spoke before an audience of 1000 listeners in China. According to Secretary of State Clinton Mr Koons "inspired cross-cultural appre...