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Showing posts with the label American manufacturing

Fiscal Sponsorship Might Have Provided A Different Outcome

Supporters for the petition for MTI to offer fiscal sponsorship have now grown to 16 as our legacy business in East Boothbay faces foreclosure. Let it be said that MTI matching grants can be as small as 1000.00 but small grants do not go very far. Matching grants favor large established well financed companies, all at taxpayer expense. Fiscal sponsorship does not cost the tax payer since a fiscal sponsor can charge a fee to cover its costs and even a reasonable profit margin. Fiscal sponsorship draws upon volunteer giving. State matching grants mandate giving by the general public to special interests selected by the state. One example of special interests favored by the state is itself, in the Public-Public Relationship of MIT and The Advanced State Manufacturing Center at the University of Maine  In April 2 2013 MaineBiz published two articles. Quote from article 1: MTI grant to help manufacturing R&D “he Maine Technology Institute has given the University o...

Networking Kickstarter to Kickstart A Network

Introducing my new blog Andersen Studio's Kickstarter Diaries , in which I write about my vision of an Andersen Studio's United Ceramic Designer Craftsmen of America. Today I published the second post which is called Networking Kickstarter to Kickstart a Network . Kickstarter is a way to raise capital for Arts and Foods projects which is inclusive of both the private sector and the non-profit sector. I hope that if you like the concept, which if successful will create jobs in the private sector, and that if you like it , you will share it. This blog is being published before we launch a kickstarter project in order to nurture a support base, which is the key to kickstarter success.