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Koons & Hillary- The Joke is On You & it's China Laughing!

ba·nal bəˈnäl,bəˈnal/ adjective so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. "songs with banal, repeated words" On November 30, 2012 , Jeff Koons, star of the blue chip art galaxy, was awarded the first United States Medal of Art by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The main reason given for selecting Koons is that he is very famous and shows in  top of the market art galleries. In the honorary speech, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton recognized Koons for the time in that year when he spoke before an audience of 1000 listeners in China. According to Secretary of State Clinton Mr Koons "inspired cross-cultural appreciation and thought-provoking discussions among the city's art community". Inspire he did- but not exactly in the way Koons and Clinton fantasized "One of the great characteristics of our country are our  public-private partnerships . They are really at the core of how we do everything. De Tocqueville noticed th

Senator Rubio's World Views VS the Canonized World View Of The Maine State Legislature

Tweet This I came across this speech on foreign affairs delivered by Marco Rubio in September. Rubio shows a holistic grasp of a complex and changing world world and true innovation in his plan to deal with that reality.    VS The world view canonized into statutory law by the legislature of Maine ( out take from A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation )- Emulating Comrade China’s Road Map to Success 2013 JOINT RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE STATE OF MAINE AND THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA Beginning with this statement: WHEREAS,  the United States and the Republic of China, known as Taiwan, share a most important relationship supported by our common values of freedom, democracy, rule of law and commitment to a free market economy; and……. Commentary: It goes on to list the economic reasons-and to establish that,  China is on board with “climate change” (actually “pollution”- which is not the same as cl

Update Letter To Maine Government Oversight Committee

Update on letter to Government Oversight Committee: To date none will address the issues I raised -  not even from my own Senator Chris Johnson. This does not surprise me when our state is run by a hegemony of power. Its been ions since the Maine state legislature granted onto themselves the authority to centrally manage the economy and have been decreeing for years that the transference of taxpayer money to private interests is for the public good. How could anyone think otherwise? The legislature is incapable of dealing with views outside of their own hegemony and they have stopped governing by the consent of the governed decades ago. I know there are many among the governed who do not agree that the redistribution of wealth currently implemented by our legislature serves the "public benefit"- but we are not among the "targeted sector" served by our legislature. I know there are many that do not like the direction that the University of Maine is g

Maine State Legislature- An Openly Lawless Body

In an article in todays PPH,  Republicans charge House Speaker with conflict of interest.   , there is a discussion of legislative conflicts of interests.  The article is centered around House Speaker, Mark Eves allegated conflict of interest in the expansion of Medicaid (Maine Care) Last week, 26 House Republicans signed a letter requesting that House Speaker Mark Eves, D-North Berwick, recuse himself from voting on a bill that would expand Medicaid, the publicly funded health insurance program for the poor. The freedom to legislate in areas in which conflicts of interests exists is openly defended by Rep. Lance Harvell, R-Farmington, who said he refused to sign the letter.  "If we start down that road, there isn’t going to be anybody in this damn place who can vote,” The article then cites various instance of conflict of interest covering a range of situations. But if the legislature itself abides by the laws written by that body - it should be standard protoc

NEFA Helps The Maine Arts Commision Present a Work Shop On Intellectual Property Rights

In the News- Or Should Be               Tweet This: Maine Arts Commission sponsors The National Endowment for The Arts is an early model for a government "instrumentality" which transfers taxpayer wealth to special interests. The federal funds made available through the National Endowment for the Arts generated the creation of state art bureaucracies across the nation, serving as redistribution centers for NEA funds and other capital resources.  The NewEngland Foundation for the Arts is a regional non-governmental organization that has a draw on a larger pool of wealth than any of of the individual New England states. It is a given that laws governing private sector and government sector are not identical, accounting for the growing popularity of "private public relationships", which when left unexamined for long periods of time, encourage an "identity fluidity", advantageous to both sides of the partnership. The state art bur

On Being An Anomaly In The Age of The Creative Economy Introduction: The Cultural Context Every organization and every business is its own culture. Andersen Stoneware is a cultural environment that places a distinct and unique value on the process of making things. The Creative Economy is a culture that places value on designing (innovating) things. Andersen Stoneware designs what it makes and so Andersen Stoneware also values innovation. Arguably, the Creative Economy is  a response to the loss of manufacturing (making things) in the United States and the rise of manufacturing in what was once called third world nations. As such the ideology of the Creative Economy movement glorifies designers over makers as it separates the act of designing from the act of making (also  repairing and maintaining which are qualified as "lesser skilled work " according to the "creative economy" system of measurement) ( example) In the marketing of the Creative Economy, those that design, do no