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NEFA Helps The Maine Arts Commision Present a Work Shop On Intellectual Property Rights

In the News- Or Should Be
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Maine Arts Commission sponsors

The National Endowment for The Arts is an early model for a government "instrumentality" which transfers taxpayer wealth to special interests. The federal funds made available through the National Endowment for the Arts generated the creation of state art bureaucracies across the nation, serving as redistribution centers for NEA funds and other capital resources. 

The NewEngland Foundation for the Arts is a regional non-governmental organization that has a draw on a larger pool of wealth than any of of the individual New England states. It is a given that laws governing private sector and government sector are not identical, accounting for the growing popularity of "private public relationships", which when left unexamined for long periods of time, encourage an "identity fluidity", advantageous to both sides of the partnership. The state art bureaucracies in New England pay fees to The New England Foundation For The Arts, which controls and redistributed vast streams of wealth.

As substantiated throughout this blog, "capital' is the prime operating motive within our state government, over and above serving the people- No where more clearly evident than in the "Extended and Improved Seed Capital Tax Credit Program", which can only qualify as an improvement from the perspective of capitalists and private corporations, and nothing of the sort from the perspective of the taxpayers.

The same relationship between capitalist, government and the people holds true throughout the states extended quasi network of  "public -private' partnerships, The Maine Arts Commission being no exception, with The New England Foundation For the Arts representing a stream of flowing capitalization funds for selected arts organizations in Maine. The Maine Arts Commission is listed as a partner to NEFA, and pays NEFA a yearly fee, which I learned from the commentary discussion on The Maine Arts Commission website, but never received an answer to the question "What does the Maine Arts Commission receive from NEFA in return for those fees ?" And so the Maine Arts Commission, in its partnership with the stream of public wealth controlled by the New England Foundation For The Arts, is complicit in the  NEFA Terms of Agreement, and like NEFA feigns ignorance of what that Terms of Agreement is grabbing, which only requires functioning common sense to see.

In 2009 I encountered the board of The Small Enterprise Growth Fund at a Juice Conference, which stimulated by interest in examining Maine's economic development legislation and that eventually became this blog, but in 2007, my discovery of The New England Foundation For The Arts Terms of Agreement was my first introduction to what lies beneath the veneer of "public benefit", which is used to sell a great deal of questionable activity to the public. Simply put the NEFA Terms of Agreement claims shared intellectual ownership in any work submitted to its online data base and demands that the signers of the agreement for go all legal course of action that can be taken against NEFA.

So when I saw this blog post : Do You Need Help Protecting Your Work ? on the Maine Arts Commission website- , promoting work shops by two volunteer lawyers  for the arts, called Figures, Finance and Intellectual Property Rights, with one lawyer, Rook Thomas Hine, specializing in he law of not-for-profit corporations, I commented and became engaged in a dialogue with MAC. The other poster, identified only as The Maine Arts Commission, hedged around the bush but I think it was said that NEFA is assisting in this conference with their "expertise". That is really quite something! The very organization from which creative authors need to be protected is partnering ( if I dare use such a definitive term) with The Maine Arts Commission in sponsoring a work shop on intellectual property rights at none other location the the Maine State University Of Marxism, which should be the official name for the University of Maine, by now.

The work shops are in Orono, on the 25th of October, likely too far for me to travel given my role in caring for my elderly father. This is an ideal occasion to bring the disturbing nature of the NEFA Terms of Agreement more public attention. Here's to hoping that some in attendance will ask the tough questions that should be asked.

The workshops are on Friday, October 25 between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. And one has to register and as usual there is a hefty registration fee.

See Also

Communism and State Ownership of Intellectual Property


Brunswick Looks to China to Support its Local School System

The Other Side Of Town on the scheme devised by  Brunswick to use the Chinese to finance their school system


Independent Maine


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