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Showing posts with the label Governor Lepage

How Maine Statutory Law Evolved Under LePage: Part One

This post was recently selected for the front page of Tremr ,  an international blogger platform GOVERNOR LEPAGE: TEA PARTY CORPORATIST Governor LePage rose to power with the support of Maine's Tea party movement in the 2010 elections. LePage's campaign message decreed that it is not the role of government to create jobs, but to support private sector job creation. Paul LePage campaigned on lower taxes and fewer regulations, routing out special interests and purging the state's welfare system of waste and fraud. His crowning Job creation bill was enacted in December 2017. The Major Business Headquarters Expansion Act extended Maine's corporate welfare far beyond the geographical borders which define our state sovereignty, an act intended to position Maine advantageously in the global corporate world order. The Major Business Headquarters Expansion Act lives up to Paul LePage's description as a "transformational"act, and yet it was enacted in rem...

Lepage Seeks Control of Legal Settlement Funds Over Standard & Poor's Credit Rating Practices

Tweet This LePage seeks to wrest control of millions from Mills The governor orders the transfer of $21.5 million from a lawsuit settlement out of an account controlled by the attorney general. BY  EDWARD D. MURPHY   STAFF WRITER Response to Article Above: In this layperson's opinion Governor LePage, once again exhibits  confusion about the role of government and the rights of individuals . Funds derived from a lawsuit belong to those hurt by the action against which the lawsuit was brought. Such money is not the property of the state to spend for its own purposes. It is appropriate for the Attorney General to be in charge  of dispersing the funds to the intended recipients and inappropriate for the Governor to busy himself with such a task. The drama over who should be in charge of said task gives the appearance  of a Governor blinded by a lust for capital who believes that the lawsuit money is the property of the state...

Lepage and TheTotalitarian State

TWEET THIS Governor Lepage is working hard to get the youth signed up as workers in the the targeted sector. There is not a lot of detail in this video. Lepage says corporations will buy student debt because corporations want workers. He doesn't explain much but he says he thinks he can make this "profitable". Don't the students already want jobs so they can pay back the debt? And doesn't student debt belong to the student and not the state? How can the state give a tax credit in exchange for services rendered to private citizens? Why would a corporation have to buy a debt from the state in order to get students to work for them? There is a demand for jobs- and demand for workers- I think they can get together on their own without the state managing it. Perhaps Lepage feels empowered to step in where there is no need for government to intervene because in 2013 the Maine Legislature passed §3304. Industry partnerships T...

Those who Benefit from the Closure of St Andrews Are Those Who Benefit From Relocating Boothbay's Retirement Community

Tweet this : The Boothbay Peninsula's Emergency Room will close its doors on October 1st. When the decision was first announced in the Boothbay Register it was stated that it was not a decision based on money. If memory serves me right, a claim was made that it was about quality of service. Since then the story has been perpetuated by some that St Andrews was not making a profit, with others claiming that it is profitable. I asked the opinion of someone familiar with the inner circle. He claimed that the appearance that St Andrews did not make a profit was created by the way that medicare presents bills. I believe he said it was in the year 2007 that all the books had been closed when after that fact medicare presented a sizable bill. This gave the appearance that St Andrews was not making a profit but that since then the hospital had caught up on those payments.This is a reasonable explanation for a controversy over whether the hospital is or is not prof...

L.R. 492: Governor LePage's Unconstitutional Proposal

   L.R. 492, is a  bill the LePage administration submitted recently to clarify the law exempting some aviation companies from paying property taxes. The language of the bill is not yet public, but George Gervais, Gov. Paul LePage 's commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development, said Wednesday that it is designed to ensure that the law exempting aviation uses is applied consistently. LePage administration wades into Brunswick tax fight  -Steve Mistle   Portland press Herald What Governor Lepage and the state's  Department of Economic and Community Development  are proposing is is a violation of the Home Rule Amendment of the Maine State Constitution, providing that property taxes are included in the charters of municipal corporations. There cannot be anything more clearly " local and municipal in character" than property taxes- which are based on property located within the municipality and are justified as p...

A Letter Of Evasion

T o date this is the only response that I have received from my letter addressed to Governor LePage with a copy sent to Attorney General Schneider. The only instances in which the response shows evidence that my letter was actually read is in the mention of the name of the Brunswick Landing Maine's Center for Innovation. in the first paragraph - and- in acknowledging that I am addressing a constitutional matter. However the grammatical structure of the first sentence  gives credence to the speculation that the letter is a form letter used as a response to multiple letters.  The letter says "Thank You for your letter requesting the "constitutionality of the Brunswick Landing  Maine's center for Innovation '" as though "constitutionality of the Brunswick Landing Maine's center for Innovation"  is imported content  in a mail merge process. More correctly I wrote a letter requesting that the Attorney General challenge the constitutionality of The B...