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Showing posts with the label global capitalism

Walking Through The Looking Glass When I started doing the research for my book, Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production, one of my first resources was the Maine Constitution by Marshall J Tinkle, recommended by the Maine Legislative Library. The first chapter of Mr Tinkle’s book tells of  a commonly held belief that no one reads the Maine Constitution, a statement which is evidently true even among the Maine Legislature. I once said to someone running for legislative office that the Maine Constitution prohibits the Legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation. He asked me where that is said in the Maine Constitution. It is said in the section on Legislative Powers, a section which it is reasonable to expect one running for the Maine Legislature to know. That commonly held belief is not entirely true. I have read the Maine Constitution and there are others in Maine who have also done so. Bangor Daily News journalist Mike Tipp...

Rhode Island Legislature Follows Maine's Lead in Support of Trans Pacific Trade Agreement

TWEET THIS Crowdfunder Update : I have committed to the  iuniversal program  with a down payment, which I am feeling very good about I continue to run this crowdfunder to cover the cost of the iuniversal program at a discounted rate of 50%. If I succeed in meeting my crowdfunding goal of $800.00 then I will be elegable to become an author on  Beacon Reader , which has a unique program for funding journalists on an ongoing basis- I have no idea how much but something beats nothing and it will connect me to a wider community. Please help me to break the long trend of no response by making a contribution- it can be any amount.The Twenty five dollars is just a suggested amount. The context of my book will attempt to paint a portrait of what is taking place among the States of the United States.I do not expect to be able to cover every state but will follow the leads where ever it takes me, in this case to Rhode Island If you appreciate read...

MISSION: To Connect Global Popular & Local Understanding

TWEET THIS On day two of my crowdfunder I received my first contribution. I thank George Colby, whom I know via FaceBook, for his generosity, The other night I watched the premier of a new series on cable, Mr Roberts, Twenty or even ten years ago, the series would be considered science fiction but our contemporary world has already caught up with fiction and is now driving the story line. It is an age old theme about a secret sect of  the powerful who control the world, They go by different names-the most known name today is probably the Bilderberg Group. The series features such a corporate group secretly controlling the entire world through the E corporation, which the protagonist calls the Evil Corporation. The protagonist is a tech savvy young man- a security specialist working for the E Corporation. The series features a running narrative by the protagonist. A line that caught my attention was when the protagon...

The China Connection

Tweet This This video series on foreign trade zones is very informative about foreign trade zones which are harbored in Maine at the two city states of MRRA and Lorring and other locations as well .  I have been writing about how the Maine legislature sells its redistribution of wealth policies (from tax payers to private capitalists) to the public as "job creation". Notice that this is the way the selling of America to China is also being sold to the American public- its job creation. Wikipedia on Foreign Trade Zones A foreign-trade zone (FTZ) in the United States is a geographical area, in (or adjacent to) a United States Port of Entry, where commercial merchandise, both domestic and foreign receives the same Customs treatment it would if it were outside the commerce of the United States. Merchandise of every description may be held in the Zone without being subject to Customs duties and other ad valorem taxes >>>>> Wiki...