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Showing posts with the label private enterprise

A Convenient Law Suit & New Commercial Development at Maine Coastal Botanical Gardens Inc.

While the super-funded Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Inc is busy using it's vast re-distributed wealth to bully the Town of Boothbay, Maine.into allowing the Gardens to build a parking l ot in the water shed, few are paying attention to the fact that the tax-exempt Gardens is also expanding its commercial operations via a restaurant and an expanded gift store. Meanwhile, thanks to the distributive policies of the Maine DOT , Maine state taxpayers were required to pay one third of the cost of rerouting the traffic patterns entering and exiting Boothbay Harbor by creating an obstacle in the formerly unobstructed roadway so that the traffic pattern goes directly from Coastal Gardens Incorporated to Paul Couloumbs Country Club and planned shopping mall. The co-chair of the JECD public-private development group, W endy Wolf, when running for State Selectmen weighed in on the round about issue by glibly saying she supported t he round about because "it wasn't a ...

Obama's War On Business and the Impeachment Process

As I watch the daily news these days  I feel like the Obama administration feels it now has a mandate to charge full force ahead in its War On Business- or private enterprise- which is the more accurate terminology to use for the phrase "capitalism" coined by that infamous proponent of state capitalism- Karl Marx. The idea that reality can be transformed though a linguistic structure of perception is a popular method of the far left, as popular as using "social benefit programs" to sell themselves as the people's friend, when in fact those programs are being used to rob the public of their independence in exchange for the same sort of "property maintenance" that a slave owner needs to implement in order to maintain the value of his property. So as Obama's War on Business proceeds we see business closing and laying off people to try to dodge the rapid fire assault that is being aimed right at them. Since the mysterious authors of the "too big...