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A Convenient Law Suit & New Commercial Development at Maine Coastal Botanical Gardens Inc.

While the super-funded Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Inc is busy using it's vast re-distributed wealth to bully the Town of Boothbay, Maine.into allowing the Gardens to build a parking lot in the water shed, few are paying attention to the fact that the tax-exempt Gardens is also expanding its commercial operations via a restaurant and an expanded gift store.
Meanwhile, thanks to the distributive policies of the Maine DOT, Maine state taxpayers were required to pay one third of the cost of rerouting the traffic patterns entering and exiting Boothbay Harbor by creating an obstacle in the formerly unobstructed roadway so that the traffic pattern goes directly from Coastal Gardens Incorporated to Paul Couloumbs Country Club and planned shopping mall.
The co-chair of the JECD public-private development group, Wendy Wolf, when running for State Selectmen weighed in on the round about issue by glibly saying she supported the round about because "it wasn't a referendum on Coulombe, it's a traffic issue", with no further explanation of what the traffic issue is- but clearly it was to reroute traffic to join two members of Ms Wolf's "peer group" of the wealthiest oligarchs in town.
So while the JECD development group with clearly stated ambitions to become a regional board with taxation authority over four municipalities, may currently have gotten away with taxing Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor residents equally in the interests of developing a social scene for the wealthy in Boothbay Harbor during what was formerly called "the Christmas Season" but now called with political correctness a "Festival of Lights" , one must ask, is the ultimate master plan to replace Boothbay Harbor as the center of commercial activity with the commercial ambitions of the non-profit Gardens incorporated and the for-profit kingdom of Coulombe- both located in Boothbay. Is this the JECD development group's rational for currently taxing Boothbay for benefits going to Boothbay Harbor?
In consideration of the commercial ambitions of the tax-exempt Garden's Inc, and its use of its tax-exempt funding to finance a law suit designed to force the Town to do its bidding, this is a good time to read Burton Weisbrod.
Quote from the abstract of this paper:
These questions are:
a) Why is the nonprofit sector expanding
b) How is the growth of nonprofits affecting other parts of the
economy?; and
(c) What evidence is there that nonprofits make a difference,
that they perform functions which private firms or government cannot perform?
A major theme is that the sector's growth necessitates finding ways to increase revenues, and that has brought side effects, particularly as nonprofits have become more and more "commercial." In the process, borders between
the nonprofit and both the for-profit and public sectors are being crossed increasingly, and with consequences that often pose problems.…

The nonprofit sector - neither private enterprise nor governmental - is growing rapidly, and not only in the United States. This article…


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