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Obama's War On Business and the Impeachment Process

As I watch the daily news these days  I feel like the Obama administration feels it now has a mandate to charge full force ahead in its War On Business- or private enterprise- which is the more accurate terminology to use for the phrase "capitalism" coined by that infamous proponent of state capitalism- Karl Marx. The idea that reality can be transformed though a linguistic structure of perception is a popular method of the far left, as popular as using "social benefit programs" to sell themselves as the people's friend, when in fact those programs are being used to rob the public of their independence in exchange for the same sort of "property maintenance" that a slave owner needs to implement in order to maintain the value of his property. So as Obama's War on Business proceeds we see business closing and laying off people to try to dodge the rapid fire assault that is being aimed right at them. Since the mysterious authors of the "too big...

Under the Surface of Society, A Dark and Tangled Web Of Manipulations

This quote from the 43 trillion dollar lawsuit hits the general public apathy toward it right on the nose: This lawsuit is necessary to avoid the looming financial crisis that shall occur as a result of the foregoing theft of $43 trillion-plus. Indeed, former TARP Inspector General Neil Banofsky has warned that another massive bailout will again be required if the money center banks and/or their principals are deemed “too big to jail.” One of the most common responses from the general public who are in fact victims of these crimes is “they won’t do anything about it”- conceding without a fight that crime inc is “too big to jail” Its much easier to get the general public talking about a revolution or seceding from the United States than it is to get them to consider using our constitution to reclaim our constitution. The public doesn’t think very far in advance as to what happens after a state secedes or a revolution occurs. In the case of the latter a new const...

Download Court Docs in 43 Trillion Dollar Law Suit

In my previous post. mentioned The 43 trillion dollar law suit against Banksters and household names from the Obama administration I have located  a link where one can download the court doc- a mere 912 pages long. HERE IT IS.   I am not sure that this link includes all 912 pages but its long enough. A little glimpse at what is inside: INCSR Reports. In its annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Reports (INCSRs), which contain a country-by-country assessment of drug trafficking and money laundering risks, the U.S. State Department has consistently classified Mexico as a country of“primary” concern for money laundering, its highest risk rating.172. In 2002, the State Department described Mexico’s drug trafficking and money laundering risks as follows: “Mexico faces a myriad of drug-related problems that include the production and transshipment of illicit drugs, money laundering, consumption and illicit firearms trafficking. ... The Government of Mexico’s (GO...

Next ! - The Long Overdue Benghazigate Investigation

As anyone who follows this blog knows, I usually write about Maine "economic development" legislation but today justifies a departure from the norm. The election of Barack Obama and Angus King and the same balance of powers in Congress that has resulted in two year grid lock is stunning and discouraging, but still only a battle lost in a larger fight to preserve the American political philosophy. The media played an essential role in the entrenching the current political elite, a role even more shocking than in the first Obama election. I am referring to the media cover up of Benghazigate, with the notable exception for Fox news which maintains a constant focus on the unraveling of the truth of what occurred in Benghazi on the night of September 11, 2012. Unwittingly, the American pravda media and the Washington power elite may have handed the proponents of the American political philosophy a potential long awaited victory. Without the delayed telling of the truth about t...

Title 30-A of the Maine Statutes Governing Municpalities and Counties

Title 30-A is likely the statute that describes the process whereby the inhabitants of the municipality can amend their charter. I haven't had time to examine this closely yet. Title 30-A states that the voters can petition the officers but in the cases of the MRRA and Loring - chartered as municipal corporations ( local governance) that are "instrumentalites of the state( governed by and for the purposes of state government) . the legislature provided that the local government would be governed by an unelected board appointed by the state. At first glance these would be "the officers" but it requires more than a first glance to figure out the truth. A municipal corporations serving as an "instrumentality of the state" is itself a contradiction in terms, while the legislature is prohibited by Article IV Part Third, Section 14 of the Maine State constitution  from chartering corporations by special act of legislation to serve state purposes- the over use ...

"Inhabitants of the Municipality" ARISE!

This is a link to a current discussion on As Maine Goes about the MRRA, which represents the current "sate of the  art" of the power of government that the legislature granted unto itself when they chartered The Maine Development Foundation - a non-profit corporation assigned with the elite privilege and authority  of managing the economy of the entire state. added late r This is a link to another discussion about the MRRA on As Maine Goes This was an unconstitutional grab of power by the state government and once having transcended their oaths to that dusty old piece of paper that represents the will of the people of this state- other wise known as the Maine State Constitution- they certainly had no cause to get the consent of the governed as they instituted the process of fundamentally transforming the State of Maine into a corporation that controls the means of production through it's multifarious funds found throughout Maine State Inc's corporate network. ...

The Maine Deveopment Foundation - Laying the Foundation for the Corporate State

               Tweet This The charter for the Maine Development Foundation , from which the quotes in this post were taken.- Signed into law by Governor Longley- A former democrat who ran as an Independent This is a list I maintain of legislative related links and "economic development" statutes, the most of which have come about as a result of the codification of said government function in the charter for the Maine Development Foundation. When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country's founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from ...