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Rhode Island Legislature Follows Maine's Lead in Support of Trans Pacific Trade Agreement

TWEET THIS Crowdfunder Update : I have committed to the  iuniversal program  with a down payment, which I am feeling very good about I continue to run this crowdfunder to cover the cost of the iuniversal program at a discounted rate of 50%. If I succeed in meeting my crowdfunding goal of $800.00 then I will be elegable to become an author on  Beacon Reader , which has a unique program for funding journalists on an ongoing basis- I have no idea how much but something beats nothing and it will connect me to a wider community. Please help me to break the long trend of no response by making a contribution- it can be any amount.The Twenty five dollars is just a suggested amount. The context of my book will attempt to paint a portrait of what is taking place among the States of the United States.I do not expect to be able to cover every state but will follow the leads where ever it takes me, in this case to Rhode Island If you appreciate read...

The Maine Legislature and the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement

  Tweet This Crowdfunder Update : I have committed to the iuniversal program with a down payment I continue to run this crowdfunder to cover the cost of the iuniversal program at a discounted rate of 50%.  If I succeed in meeting my crowdfunding goal of $800.00 then I will be elegable to become an author on Beacon Reader , which has a unique program for funding journalists on an ongoing basis- I have no idea how much but something beats nothing and it will connect me to a wider community. Please help me to break the long trend of no response by making a contribution- it can be any amount.The Twenty five dollars is just a suggested amount.  I came across this article today on the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Hand Corporations the Reins to Our Government  Provisions of the trade agreement could provide corporations with even greater influence over domestic policy decisions . Recently leak...

Confessions of A Blogger Writing In Her Pajama's - Well House Robe !

Tweet This Day Five of my Crowdfunder once again came up empty so now on day six it is looking unlikely that I will have garnered enough public support to take advantage of the 50% discount on the iuniverse program by 2 PM today when the sales person is going to check back with me. Perhaps when I complete the remainder of the thirty day crowdfunder I will have suceeded in garnering enough public support to justify investing in such a program. That bar is $500.00 because until I reach $500.00 I do not get to retain any of the funds pledged. If I reach that bar, perhaps there will be another deal available- or I can do another crowdfunder to try to raise the rest of the funds needed,- so with that thought in mind, I am going to continue with this crowdfunder to its completion. It feels like doing one of those dance marathons of the depression era-or a fillibuster speach on the floor of the Senate. This is a particular sort of endurance test whi...

The Maine Media Coverage of Government Economic Development Policies Fits the Definition Of Propaganda

Tweet This Day four of my Crowdfunder once again comes up empty with the deadline for taking the deal being offered by iuniversal tomorrow. If worse comes to worse, I can probably find a way to squeeze the initial payment out of my own already stretched resources but I have to consider all the aspects of that decision which includes the use of my time. Even before I knew that I believe in God, I was a person that felt that the universe, or everything that is, speaks to one through the events that manifest around us. It has occurred to me that I am being offered very good terms for the iuniversal program at the opportune moment for me to make space in my life for writing my book. In terms of writing the biggest competition for that space of time is the blog. For a long time my blog focused on digging up the history of Maine's economic development statutes, reading and analyzing statutes that came into being years ago and by the time I discovered them wer...

Day Three Of Crowdfunder- Weighing Conflicts of Interest

Tweet This Day Three of my campaign is another day of coming up empty and as the hour approaches when I must decide whether to take the deal or not, I have a lot of considerations to weigh including most significantly the use of my time. We have an understaffed business with many huge challenges to meet and on top of that a lot of work to do for probate.  At least 300% of my energy is needed for that meaning my plate is already too full. However our business exists in a larger context and the way I see things the context and our own personal place with in it are inseparably part of each other. One of my earliest childhood memories was sitting in the field and thinking of my world. I thought first there is me and then my family and then the community and so on until there was the whole world. That was a world in which the atomic bomb has just been created and I gave the world only twenty five years- but I was wrong on that score. However it ...

MISSION: To Connect Global Popular & Local Understanding

TWEET THIS On day two of my crowdfunder I received my first contribution. I thank George Colby, whom I know via FaceBook, for his generosity, The other night I watched the premier of a new series on cable, Mr Roberts, Twenty or even ten years ago, the series would be considered science fiction but our contemporary world has already caught up with fiction and is now driving the story line. It is an age old theme about a secret sect of  the powerful who control the world, They go by different names-the most known name today is probably the Bilderberg Group. The series features such a corporate group secretly controlling the entire world through the E corporation, which the protagonist calls the Evil Corporation. The protagonist is a tech savvy young man- a security specialist working for the E Corporation. The series features a running narrative by the protagonist. A line that caught my attention was when the protagon...