A new Facebook Page for Boothbay Region Politics has been created.
Here you can posts your Letters To the editor - unedited for word count
or whatever. I only request that you keep emotion and reason in a
healthy balance .
Those who Benefit from the Closure of St Andrews Are Those Who Benefit From Relocating Boothbay's Retirement Community
A Letter to the Maine Government Oversight Committee Concerning The University Of Maine
TWEET THIS: http://goo.gl/9y2MiH Recently a message appeared on my screen , being identified as from Facebook. It brought up the Facebook login screen and warned against sending friend requests to people that one does not know in one's circle of friends , family, work, and classmates I first received the message several months ago. The first message included a list of twenty names of people who did not respond to my friend request over all the years that I have been on Facebook. It asked that I delete all the requests and suggested that I stop sending friend requests for a week. The next was a list of 7 names - some of them very recent requests, which I did not think were given adequate response time. The third message to appear told that I am blocked for a week from adding friends and displayed a list of five names- all very recent requests- all in response to those with whom I interacted on Facebook- and one within the last hour of receiving t...
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