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The Annotated Jobs For Me Bill


 This is Part Three of Series

Part Two  25% for You- 75% for Maine State Inc in Maine's Put ME to Work Bill
Click to Download Mikkel Clair Nissen's Audio Book describing how manipulism has created an oppressive collectist culture in Denmark, and which is now being used in Maine which is well on the path to becoming a similar collectivist society

"Any benefits accruing to private individuals or associations, as a result of the activities of the authority, are deemed by the Legislature to be incidental to the public purposes to be achieved by the implementation of this chapter."

The transformation of Maine's political philosophy from individualism to collectivism (Marxism) as found in the unconstitutional charter by special act of legislation of the FAME corporation

Annotating Jobs for ME 

2 Job training programs; criteria.   The job training programs in the program must provide training to prepare workers for jobs in high-demand fields. The centers shall work with private businesses to determine the demand for jobs and the skills needed for those jobs and with postsecondary institutions of higher education to determine the ability of those institutions to provide the appropriate education and training, including teaching faculty and any necessary infrastructure. A qualified job training program must meet the following criteria:
(emphasis mine)

high-demand fields means the state- or more accurately the board of the Maine Development Corporation will decide which businesses will have their training paid for on the public dime and that it will also serve to implement a collective corporate culture among the people of Maine using the people's dollars via bonds sold to the public as "job creation" Those jobs which are not determined by the corporate board to be "high demand" fields will cover the cost of their own job training, which was once a purpose of the minimum wage which is now being talked about as a living wage- which once would have been called a middle-class wage, but the capital that would grow and sustain a middle class has been drained by the corporate state to artificially create a class of workers in Maine making "above average" and now "highly compensated" wages subsidized by the general taxpayers. This is the class of workers which will also have their job training subsidized by the publicly funded workforce."

This means that there will be a grid of corporate conformity created in Maine. The more individualistic a job is the less it will fit into the "high demand fields" category and the class of individuals who do not fit into the corporation of Maine's plans and therefore serve as instrumentalities of the corporation's needs and designs, will be marginalized and it will become much more difficult to find a way to survive outside of the corporate grid being constructed by the Maine Development Corporation, which in many ways is tailor-made to be consistent with Agenda Twenty One.
A Support of at least 50% of the start-up costs for the job training program must be provided by a business or group of businesses that chooses to participate in a job training program. The support may be provided through funds or through an in-kind contribution, such as equipment or teaching faculty; (emphasis mine)
This paragraph confirms that the funds will be used to purchase equipment, or in other words, the means of production as well as to finance the staff.  We are told that the Maine Development Corporation needs this equipment for job training, which makes little sense as it would be much more effective and economical to have employees trained on the premises of employing private sector companies (as in Oregon). Every field uses different equipment, does the state intend to purchase the means of production for every "high demand" field that arises? Every election expects to see more and more bonds being sold as "job creation" bills to cover the expense of the state's ongoing mission to acquire ownership of the means of production for every "high demand field"! And let us not forget that multiple corporate instrumentalities of the state, including MTI and the University of Maine, are lawyered up with their own rights to ownership of intellectual property- which is never mentioned on the promotional websites or in the Maine media!

Also notice that the paragraph above states that the businesses must provide 50% of the start-up costs but it does NOT state under what terms the business will be investing in the procurement of the means of production at Maine's "Quality Centers" rather than investing that same sum in acquiring the means of production for their own business. Does this make economic sense? Does it sound reasonable that a business will save money by investing in the acquiring the means of production for a different entity in order to train their own "highly compensated" workers? Why would such a business that can afford to pay highly compensated wages need public assistance to train them? Why would they give up their own sovereignty to save on the cost of training employees? And do we really think that private businesses are going to invest half the cost of the means of production without also having part ownership of the "Quality Centers"? I guess that deal is on a "need to know " basis because the bill makes no mention of the terms of agreement operative in the capitalization of this public-private" enterprise.
3 Financial aid; funding.   The centers shall make available needs-based scholarships, grants and other financial aid to persons participating in a qualified job training program. The centers may accept funding from private businesses and other interests for this purpose.
I have already examined how the Community College loan program is designed to pass the cost of the employee's training on the general taxpayer via refundable tax credits so this seems somewhat redundant while amplifying the question above: Does this make sense that an employer would invest in financing the means of production for another entity as a cost-saving device for training his own employees? Now we can add to that question does it make sense that the private business will also cover the cost of its employee's training and salaries for the teachers that train the employee at that same separate entity wherein it is also financing the cost of the means of the production equipment? It only makes sense if the private businesses are also partners in the ownership of the "Quality Centers" and so it is more accurate to say that general taxpayers will be contributing half the costs of the means of production owned by the public-private relationships. Once the transformation of Maine has been achieved so that most of the economy is designed, owned, and manipulated by a public-private hegemony, the next big war will be between the state and the private entities over who has the ownership of intellectual property rights. The state passed a statute in 2013 affirming the so-called State of Maine' freindship with China-citing shared values. Does that include the shared value in which China is the largest beneficiary of the theft of American intellectual property rights?  A question that needs to be taken seriously now....Seriously!

To the question of why classes exist in human societies in the first place, Karl Marx offered an historical explanation that it was the cultural practice of Ownership of the Means of Production that gives rise to them. This explanation differs dramatically from other explanations based on "differences in ability" between individuals or on religious or political affiliations giving rise to castes. This explanation is consistent with the bulk of Marxist theory in which Politics and Religion are seen as mere outgrowths (superstructures) of the basic underlying economic reality of a people [5]Wikipedia- Means of Production


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