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Walking Through The Looking Glass

When I started doing the research for my book, Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production, one of my first resources was the Maine Constitution by Marshall J Tinkle, recommended by the Maine Legislative Library. The first chapter of Mr Tinkle’s book tells of  a commonly held belief that no one reads the Maine Constitution, a statement which is evidently true even among the Maine Legislature. I once said to someone running for legislative office that the Maine Constitution prohibits the Legislature from chartering corporations by special acts of legislation. He asked me where that is said in the Maine Constitution. It is said in the section on Legislative Powers, a section which it is reasonable to expect one running for the Maine Legislature to know.

That commonly held belief is not entirely true. I have read the Maine Constitution and there are others in Maine who have also done so. Bangor Daily News journalist Mike Tipping ran a successful crowd sourcing project for his book by casting a small group of elderly Maine gentlemen who had formed an organization to further awareness of the Maine Constitution as domestic terrorists. Subsequently the Bangor Daily News published a more balanced story about the group but it is reasonable to hypothesis that second story would never have been published if it were not for the first.

If it is true that (almost) no one reads the Maine Constitution, it is just as true that no one reads the Maine statutes, sufficing with information about current bills reported by the Maine media.

If one is to read the Maine statutes, as I have done, independently and with no greater status than that of a Maine citizen, it is shocking what one finds going on behind totally transparent doors protected from public knowledge by what appears to be a curtain of a dark and occult force. How absurd, the reader might say but what else would explain it? It is as if there exists a building with a large glass display window on a public street but every single person walking by turns their head away from it and no one ever looks at what is behind the clear glass window. The people behind the glass window are as accustomed to the crowds that walk by their window always turning their heads away as they are to the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

Then one day, one person walks by and looks in the window. That person says to the others passing by ”Look ! Turn your head! Look at what is going on behind that clear glass window !” but the passersby hear nothing and keep their heads turned away. No one will listen to a lone person breaking the rules of convention by turning her eyes toward the glass window and peering at what is inside. Who is that person to break the rules of convention? Who gave that person permission?

 And so that person writes a book describing what is going on behind the glass window and offers it free of charge to anyone to download and read but there are no takers. Who is this one lone individual who has broken the law of human nature by turning her head in the direction of the window to think she can alter an entrenched cultural tradition long since instituted.? Does she fancy herself a butterfly flapping its wings and altering the ever predictable order of things?

"Who are you ?" lone individual asks the crowd with their heads all turned in uniformity away from the clear glass window. That is who I am, says the individual. I am an individual wondering what happened to a state which was once known for its rugged individualism and a nation that stands alone against a sea of collectivist political philosophies seeking to engulf all of humanity into its ever expanding grid.

Break out of the grid of uniformity!, answers back the lone individual. Take a chance and download my book telling what I saw when I walked through the looking glass to see what is going on on the other side. Download Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production FOR FREE before I start charging 99 cents or even more!


  1. I'm very excited to download and read your book. The public needs to know what our so-called leaders are up to. All it takes is awareness. There's no disputing the evidence and documentation. It's right there. Many acts/deeds have been openly admitted by the govt.,it's whistle-blowers,eye-witnesses, and employees or other participants. The people just don't know. We can't know something we've never been told. To see something it must first be shown to us. We need to show the world what they're up to so that we may take initiative to protect ourselves. It's right in front of our eyes! AGENDA 21 IS REAL!
    We need to open the eyes of the others and save ourselves!


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