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Showing posts with the label Communism

Maine State Inc Tries a Banana Republic Takeover of Central Maine Power

One of the first things a member of the Maine Legislature does is to take an oath to uphold the Maine Constitution. After that the Maine Constitution is out of sight, out of mind until it is needed to beat down an opposition policy. Some unconstitutional policies are not opposed by any side, Democrat, Republican or Independent. One such unconstitutional policy is the right of the Maine Legislature to charter corporations by special act of legislation, prohibited by the Maine Constitution in Article Iv, Part Third, Section 14 . Ever since Governor Longley and the 1976 Maine Legislature deemed the centrally managed economy and the public-private government into existence, every administration and Maine Legislature has been chartering corporations by special act of legislation, willy nilly. This is what I mean when I use the term Maine State Inc- specifically the network of corporations chartered by special act of legislation, which are in most cases public-private relationships. ...

Is Following Your Passion Politically Incorrect in the 21st Century?

The Great Seal" by Hammer51012 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0  As of late, I have been wondering whatever became of the cultural narrative which used to be a mainstay of American literature and media. I am talking about the storyline where in the protagonist wrestles with the choice between pursuing a career he or she loves or prioritizing  money and job security, with the latter usually advocated by a parent and institutions. As societies across the globe move toward centrally managed economies, the individual loses ground to the collective good, The individual must be corralled by central management to serve the purpose of central management. Passion is a wild card which might lead the individual to create his own path, offering one explanation why the "Follow your Passion" narrative is receding into the dustbin of cultural history as economies, and thus culture, falls under the sway of central management. My search for the narrative, brought up a slew of ar...

Public Private Relationships And the New Owners of the Means of Production Available In Print

Public Private Relationships and the New Owners of the Means of Production is now available in print- in time for the start of what is currently looking like Amerika's first fully open public private federal government with globalist Trump and family seeming apparently unaware as to any conflict of interest between running their global business empire in conjunction with administering the US government! As in Maine, public private relationships are surrounded by a fluid relationship to  general laws governing the rest of society. Here is a post-election link to a story about Trump and family's business dealings in India, Trump’s extensive deals in India raise conflict-of-interest concerns Here is a link to my book documenting how government by public private relationships has been aggressively and incrementally replacing government by the Maine Constitution in Maine over the last forty years: GET THE BOOK_ PUBLIC PRIVATE RELATIONSHIPS AND THE NEW OWNERS OF THE ME...

New Book: Public Private Relationships and The New Ownership of The Means of Production

Tweet This !  F or the last six years  Mackenzie Andersen  has been independently researching the history of Maine's economic development statutes. Public Private Relationships and The New Owners of the Means of Production takes all the research she accumulated since 2009 and hones it down into a snap shot. The result is an new perspective on the history of Maine focusing on the years since 1979 when under the Longley Administration, the State of Maine began its transformation into the corporation of Maine. In 1979 Governor Longley invited the heads of Maine Industry to take the leadership role in writing new statutes which would over ride the Maine Constitution's prohibition against corporations chartered by special acts of legislation. Two corporations were chartered. The Maine Capital Corporation, a private investment corporation subsidized with tax credits and the Maine Development Foundation,which would design and function as activists...

Socialism-Communism VS The Maine State Constitution

Julie Ranson TWEET THIS The rest of this post contains out takes for A Maine Citizens Journey Through the Statutes of Transformation . which you can have by supporting this blog for a minimum contribution of $10.00 sent via PayPal to . I will then email the TimeLine to you, which includes the research I did on the 2013 legislative session, which I have been reporting on here and will continue to do so: 1876 Separation of Corporation & State Article IV Part Third Section 14 added to Maine State Constitution forbidding the legislature to charter corporations by special acts of legislation Article IV. Part Third. Legislative Power Section 13.  Special legislation.   The Legislature shall, from time to time, provide, as far as practicable, by general laws, for all matters usually appertaining to special or private legislatio...

Lepage and TheTotalitarian State

TWEET THIS Governor Lepage is working hard to get the youth signed up as workers in the the targeted sector. There is not a lot of detail in this video. Lepage says corporations will buy student debt because corporations want workers. He doesn't explain much but he says he thinks he can make this "profitable". Don't the students already want jobs so they can pay back the debt? And doesn't student debt belong to the student and not the state? How can the state give a tax credit in exchange for services rendered to private citizens? Why would a corporation have to buy a debt from the state in order to get students to work for them? There is a demand for jobs- and demand for workers- I think they can get together on their own without the state managing it. Perhaps Lepage feels empowered to step in where there is no need for government to intervene because in 2013 the Maine Legislature passed §3304. Industry partnerships T...