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Showing posts with the label Maine Development Foundation

The Creative Economy- Behind The Optics

My next contact with the “creative economy”, was with AlanHinsey , who was then a key mover and shaker at The MidCoast Magnet . Around that time I was reading two books, one titled Free Agent Nation *by Daniel H Pink and the other The Non- Profit Economy by Burton A Weisbrod ** Free Agent Nation described the economy that I recognized from my every day perspective- the micro economy made up of small business owners such as are located in small town communities like the Boothbay Peninsula. Free Agent Nation described an America of independent individualistic free agents, preferring to run their own businesses rather than to be company men in gray flannel suits. To my daily perspective, this seemed like a true portrait of America. The Non-Profit Economy by Burton Weisbrod, written in the 1980’s, described an over all economy made up of three separate and distinct sectors- the private sector, the government sector –and the non-profit sector. Each sector, in theory, served a fun

"Inhabitants of the Municipality" ARISE!

This is a link to a current discussion on As Maine Goes about the MRRA, which represents the current "sate of the  art" of the power of government that the legislature granted unto itself when they chartered The Maine Development Foundation - a non-profit corporation assigned with the elite privilege and authority  of managing the economy of the entire state. added late r This is a link to another discussion about the MRRA on As Maine Goes This was an unconstitutional grab of power by the state government and once having transcended their oaths to that dusty old piece of paper that represents the will of the people of this state- other wise known as the Maine State Constitution- they certainly had no cause to get the consent of the governed as they instituted the process of fundamentally transforming the State of Maine into a corporation that controls the means of production through it's multifarious funds found throughout Maine State Inc's corporate network.

Maine's Hidden Network of Corporate Instrumentalities of The State

The Maine State Constitution: Article IV, Part Third: Legislative Powers Section 13. Special legislation. The Legislature shall, from time to time, provide, as far as practicable, by general laws, for all matters usually appertaining to special or private legislation.  Section 14. Corporations, formed under general laws. Corporations shall be formed under general laws, and shall not be created by special Acts of the Legislature, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where the objects of the corporation cannot otherwise be attained; and, however formed, they shall forever be subject to the general laws of the State. As one can see, The Maine State Constitution prohibits the legislature from chartering corporations as instrumentalities of the state. The only exception to the prohibition against chartering corporations by special act of legislation is for a municipal purpose and in the case where the objects of incorporation cannot be done otherwise, whic

Maine Biz Uses Claims Made by Government Chartered Non-Profit Corporation To Support Legislature's Side in Bond Debate

Maine Biz has an article on the Governor's Veto and uses the Maine Development Foundation as one of their sources on behalf of the legislature. This is my online comment to that article. MTI- Maine Technological Institute is BOTH government and non-profit. It is a non-profit corporation chartered by special act of legislation in violation of the Maine State Constitution, which our legislature routinely ignores as it continues to entrench a network of special corporations chartered by special acts of legislation. Article IV, Part Third Section 14 of the Maine State Constitution prohibits the legislature from chartering corporations by special act of legislation with an exception for municipal purposes and - an almost never applicable exception - for something that can't be done any other way. Article IV Part Third Section 14 of the Maine State constitution then goes on to say that all corporations, however formed , are subject to general law. However corporate records a

Government Nepotism in the State of Maine- One Hand Awards The Other.

I hope others will join me in researching the real facts behind the rhetoric of the current bond debate instigated By Governor LePage's veto of the  research and development bond.. This page Maine State Legislative Links is where I keep track of what I come across in my research and makes a good starting point.  I invite all to contribute a guest editorial about this subject. Close to the top of the list is The Journal of Innovation & Transformation,  published by the Southern Maine Community College, a likely recipient of those r&d funds that the governor just vetoed. About two thirds of the way down is The Midcoast Campus A Model In Educational Development  by Charle s Lawton , P .h. D . There you will find a chart of the "targeted sector", which looks pretty comprehensive were it not for the fact that it noticeably excludes the retail and tourist industries, which happen to be the main stay of my small community. It seems these sectors are not desirable