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Showing posts with the label corporate state

In Maine it's The Innovative Class Vs The Underclass with the Middle Class A Relic Of By Gone Days.

As a person of independent views, I am often approached by those whom I consider to stand for the modern day thought police. The conversation is often framed as "We (or I) are trying to help you", which means they are trying to reprogram my thinking to be consistent with acceptable thought as issued by Maine State Inc and its comrade the Maine main stream media. I recently had such an encounter when I posted on AS Maine Goes - when a users who clouds his true identity under the name of "economike" stepped up to play the role of the thought police and was educating me about economics pursuant to the world view which has dominated, to the exclusion of all else, both the political class and the Maine main stream media during the decades in which the Maine constitution was swapped out as the governing rule of law in Maine to be replaced by governance of a corporate state serving as an instrumentality of global capitalism. Were this a science fiction novel, I could

New! Mini Time lines of Incrementalism Added to Timeline Exposing Stautory Transformation Of Maine

My Time Line is a fund raising flop- apparently too far off the grid to generate public interest, although people like and share the promos- only one downloaded the timeline to date -which is designed to make the hidden whole visible. Maine State Inc officially exists but without a name. It officially exists as a vast network of state corporations which is progressively transferring power and public wealth into its own hands. And so I continue to update Time Line. I have added dates to chapter titles and today I added  Mini Timelines of Incrementalism to the menu items. I added Mini Time Line Of Incremental-ism:State Control over Education & Publicly Funded Workforce today- which is can be much longer but for now this suffices. If you want the links- your will need to download the Time Line!! (Low and behold I am now having difficulties inserting images on blogger- so here it I sin text form) 1977 Legislature deems centrally managing economy to be a new “essential

Maine Gov Rules- Request a Certified Copy- But Don't Use Them In Court!

NOTE ADDED ON May 6 2014 When I first published  How Maine's Home Rule Amendment Was Superseded By Statutory Law.   the Rules for Non-profit Corporations were found on line- Now that link no longer displays those rules and one must download the document which displays the rules. I downloaded it and then stored it on  Preserving The American Political Philosophy website   The doc is available for download on the Maine Secretary of State's webpage HERE: Rules For Non-Profit Corporations Title 13-B.doc. with a long list of other rules which come with this warning: Rule Chapters for the Department of the Secretary of State   WARNING: While we have taken care with the accuracy of the files accessible here, they are not "official" state rules in the sense that they can be used before a court. Anyone who needs a certified copy of a rule chapter should contact the   APA Office . We also offer  advice  if you're having trouble trying to view these chapters.   29-250 

Maine's Gubernatorial Candidates: Michaud on Energy

The other day , I was asked, whom do I support for Governor  and I said "someone who has yet to emerge." I am commencing an investigation into Maine's gubernatorial candidates, which started unofficially with my last post on LePage's "Open For Business: campaign;  Here is a summary of the Open For Business  legislation , which I will be examining further in another post. There is much in the bill that was not mentioned in the  Kennebec Journal article  that I used as a source in my previous post. I expect this to be a sporadically organized project - as  I work spontaneously - in the moment, on the go, in between other things that need to be done. The gubernatorial hopefuls are listed here .The ones we usually hear about are Lepage, Michaud, and Cutler but there are three relative unknowns on the list others on the list: Adam Eldridge (Independent) - Project Engineer Lee Schultheis (Independent)  - Retired Financial Executive  David Slagger (Independent)

Maine State Legislature- An Openly Lawless Body

In an article in todays PPH,  Republicans charge House Speaker with conflict of interest.   , there is a discussion of legislative conflicts of interests.  The article is centered around House Speaker, Mark Eves allegated conflict of interest in the expansion of Medicaid (Maine Care) Last week, 26 House Republicans signed a letter requesting that House Speaker Mark Eves, D-North Berwick, recuse himself from voting on a bill that would expand Medicaid, the publicly funded health insurance program for the poor. The freedom to legislate in areas in which conflicts of interests exists is openly defended by Rep. Lance Harvell, R-Farmington, who said he refused to sign the letter.  "If we start down that road, there isn’t going to be anybody in this damn place who can vote,” The article then cites various instance of conflict of interest covering a range of situations. But if the legislature itself abides by the laws written by that body - it should be standard protoc

"Inhabitants of the Municipality" ARISE!

This is a link to a current discussion on As Maine Goes about the MRRA, which represents the current "sate of the  art" of the power of government that the legislature granted unto itself when they chartered The Maine Development Foundation - a non-profit corporation assigned with the elite privilege and authority  of managing the economy of the entire state. added late r This is a link to another discussion about the MRRA on As Maine Goes This was an unconstitutional grab of power by the state government and once having transcended their oaths to that dusty old piece of paper that represents the will of the people of this state- other wise known as the Maine State Constitution- they certainly had no cause to get the consent of the governed as they instituted the process of fundamentally transforming the State of Maine into a corporation that controls the means of production through it's multifarious funds found throughout Maine State Inc's corporate network.

Government Nepotism in the State of Maine- One Hand Awards The Other.

I hope others will join me in researching the real facts behind the rhetoric of the current bond debate instigated By Governor LePage's veto of the  research and development bond.. This page Maine State Legislative Links is where I keep track of what I come across in my research and makes a good starting point.  I invite all to contribute a guest editorial about this subject. Close to the top of the list is The Journal of Innovation & Transformation,  published by the Southern Maine Community College, a likely recipient of those r&d funds that the governor just vetoed. About two thirds of the way down is The Midcoast Campus A Model In Educational Development  by Charle s Lawton , P .h. D . There you will find a chart of the "targeted sector", which looks pretty comprehensive were it not for the fact that it noticeably excludes the retail and tourist industries, which happen to be the main stay of my small community. It seems these sectors are not desirable

Maine Public Must Take The Reigns In A Substantively Resourced Bond Debatee

This editorial ‘Conservation Priorities’ response makes some important points that are not often discussed in our Maine main stream media. It describes the land trust interests which have been acquiring land on a tax exempt status as a united network of corporatons, and ties the effect of the tax exempt status to the economic burden of rural communities. Quote: For the past 30 years, preservationists have aggressively pursued land acquisition — sometimes at the expense of the taxpayer, sometimes with the support of private funding. The $126 million borrowed by Maine taxpayers, to be repaid by future generations, has been used to acquire 530,000 acres of the total 1.8 million, or roughly 30 percent. The remaining 70 percent was acquired through collaborative efforts with Maine’s land trust community. With Governor LePage's veto of the research & development  bonds and refusal to sign off on the other bonds, igniting a debate between those who claim that the bonds

The Maine Economic Development Foundation

As I started out to tell the story of how I became involved in researching Maine's economic development legislation,on the Page titled , The Turning Point , I was stalled by trying to locate the legislation that created The Maine Economic Development Foundation , which is to be found all over the "innovative economy", often stating that it was created by the legislature but falling short of providing a link to that legislation. I contacted Elaine Apostola, Reference Librarian, at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library. Elaine provided a PDF file of the original text. I then searched for the statute online, was unable to find it with the information that I had and so wrote to Elaine again and she provided. This a link to the statute as it is written today The first thing that attracts attention is that the original purpose Title 10, Chapter 107: §917 is REPEALED , with no further information about what the original purpose stated, and replaced with Titl

Maine Marxism Takes a great New Leap Forward with The Brunswick Landing Maine Center For Innovation

  THE JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON BUSINESS, RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT if not the most of the Maine legislature have been following a Marxist course for decades, First it was just using tax payer funds as playing card in a game with high growth investors but now the legislature has transformed itself into the investor- acquiring land and property and setting up "funds" composed of every imaginable source of redistributed wealth to channel as much as possible into the hands of the state. They call crown themselves as "the innovative" or “creative economy"- In the Baldacci administration it began with promoting the template created by Richard Florida who set standard rules for measuring "the creative class" and cities, state and municipal governments across the nation flocked to conform to the Florida template by segregating society and economies into “the creative and innovative classes" and everyone else. With flowery language packaging,

Government Arts unequivically equate "the arts" with "non-profit organizations"

The Email from The Maine Arts Commission says it all: The Maine Arts Commission Presents Arts in Crisis: A Kennedy Center Initiative There are only 70 seats left for this free event, sign up today. Michael M. Kaiser, president of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, will visit Portland, ME, on July 1 as part of “Arts in Crisis: A Kennedy Center Initiative,” an arts management symposium. Kaiser will provide counsel and encouragement to nonprofit arts organizations in need. Kaiser will be at the Portland Museum of Art between 9:15 and 11:30 am on July 1 for this invaluable symposium where he will provide counsel and encouragement to nonprofit arts organizations in need. During this free symposium Kaiser will address the key challenges facing nonprofit arts organizations through such areas as fundraising, building more effective boards of trustees, budgeting and marketing. Tickets for this event are free and must be reserved online at Sea