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Showing posts with the label global capitalism

Koons & Hillary- The Joke is On You & it's China Laughing!

ba·nal bəˈnäl,bəˈnal/ adjective so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. "songs with banal, repeated words" On November 30, 2012 , Jeff Koons, star of the blue chip art galaxy, was awarded the first United States Medal of Art by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The main reason given for selecting Koons is that he is very famous and shows in  top of the market art galleries. In the honorary speech, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton recognized Koons for the time in that year when he spoke before an audience of 1000 listeners in China. According to Secretary of State Clinton Mr Koons "inspired cross-cultural appreciation and thought-provoking discussions among the city's art community". Inspire he did- but not exactly in the way Koons and Clinton fantasized "One of the great characteristics of our country are our  public-private partnerships . They are really at the core of how we do everything. De Tocqueville noticed th

Made in America VS Global Capitalism

TWEET THIS: In the last election on November 4, Year 2014. Mainer's once again approved all of the bonds asked by the state. Five out of six of these bonds will be distributed through Maine State Inc channels with the DECD Corporation being one the primary channels of redistribution of taxpayer money. Recently I launched my own crowdfunding website  dedicated to capitalizing the mold making project which I have been wanting to accomplish for years- in fact my efforts to capitalize a mold making project for our family ceramic business involves the event that brought me face to face with the overlords of Maine's economy. This was the Juice Conference of 2009 . If I had not attended that event motivated by finding a way to capitalize the mold-making project, this blog would not exist. And so in this post I am going to contrast the governing philosophy of Maine State Inc- as it is found in the statutes that established the he

As Confucius Institute installed at USM, American & New England Studies Become a Candidate For The Cutting Board

Recently in the news , The University of Maine is considering cutting American and New England Studies, a course offered at the University of Southern, Maine. According to testimony of former student: Dr. Pease's Hamilton and Jefferson course at UMO and it was one of the most important American history courses I've ever taken. He had a passion for the topic The course was a course on the Federalists Papers . Today when I searched for the phrase " federalist papers " on the University of Maine curriculum, it came up blank and there appears (to my limited knowledge and research efforts)  to be only one course offered in American and New England Studies and that is currently under consideration for the cutting board. And yet the University of Maine was recently able to Install the Confucius Institute on Campus- why because money is provided by China and that is all it takes in Maine where our government is always looking for sources of outside capital

University of Maine's New "Confucius Institute" Creates Global Partnership with Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China

The University of Maine, which already sponsors a course in Marxist and Socialist Studies which can be taken as a minor along with any major is now using taxpayer dollars to create a new institute handily called the Confucius Institute , as if it were about ancient Chinese wisdom, which may be partly true but also significant is that it is in partnership with the new fundamentally transformed China and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in Dalian, China which includes such departments as The Global Institute of Management And Economics . USM Confucius Institute USM is partnering with Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in Dalian, China to host Maine’s first Confucius Institute (CI). From the website of the UniversityOf Souther Maine, Confusius Institute Contemporary China with it's polluted lands and its plans to relocate millions of the rural populous in order to create a home grown consumers market has very little resemblance to the philosophy of C