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2015 Maine Legislature Doubles Down on Bond Ballot Rewrite of Maine Constitution

In 2015   An Act To Limit the Information Required To Be Printed on Municipal Referenda Ballots was sponsored by Representative Picchiotti of Fairfield, Cosponsored by Senator Whittemore of Somerset and Representative Beth O'Connor of Berwick (former manager of Maine Taxpayers United) . It was referred to The Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government where it was rejected by the majority . MAJ, Ought Not To Pass Representative Martin of Sinclair, Chair Senator Libby of Androscoggin Senator Willette of Aroostook Representative Babbidge of Kennebunk Representative Bryant of Windham Representative Doore of Augusta Representative Evangelos of Friendship Representative Greenwood of Wales Representative Tuell of East Machias Representative Turner of Burlington MIN, Ought To Pass Representative Pickett of Dixfield The Maine Constitution Article IX General Provisions Section 14 constitutionally requires th e following inf...

Ted Cruz Takes A Progressive Stand on the Birth Right Issue.

Breitbart's Article  (with link to video) reports accurately on the dialogue Headline states :Cruz Accuses Megyn Kelly Of Asking "Mainstream Media Liberal " Question In this interview, Kelly's asks two questions that Cruz refuses to answer dodging the questions like a season politician and a true progressive- with the meaning of progressive being one who thinks that the constitution can be overridden to serve policies and political agendas of the day- versus a conservative who hold that the constitution is the ultimate Rule of Law and that the philosophical intent of the constitution must be the measure of any change to our constitution. Cruz keeps the focus issue on policy in response to Megyn's question as to whether he thinks changes to birth right citizenship requires a Constitutional amendment  OR if it can just be changed by Congress. Cruz uses a lot of rhetoric to say that it is a policy (meaning not a constitutional) iss...

Registered By Proxy-The Trump Social Media News Network

I wrote in a previous post about outrageous "news" stories targeting "the establishment"  manufactured by Breitbart.Com is registered via Domains By Proxy  As are the many of the lesser known social media "news" organizations supporting the Trump. Manufacturing disinformation to create a desired perception is an old trick used by Donald Trump through out his career as is documented in this 1991 documentary film , which was not released at that time amid threats to sue brought forth by Donald Trump Following are a handful of the social media news information distributing support for the Donald and his runner ups, as well as attacks against his enemies. The stories are all fabrications but it is the headline which is important as most will not read the stories as they redistribute the headline. Headline Journalism by registered to DomainsByProxy- creates perceptions that are pro-Trump Showing results for: MINT...

Anti-Establishmentarains Just Following Orders When They Add Megan Kelly to Targeted Politcal Enemies List ! Before I could post my own meme on facebook today, the anti-establishmentarians had already beat me to it- Just following orders, which we all heard Trump issue to his soilders when he told Megan Kelly she was not being very nice to him by asking him how he thought the mean crude comments he had made about women on twitter would play against the Democrats standard campaign strategy accusing Republicans of conducting a war on women ? This is a question that goes straight to electability and it is addresses Trumps weaknesses, just as Megan asked all the candidates questions about their perceived politcal weaknesses. So the anti-establishmentarians got right to work and added Megen Kelly to their long list of targeted politcal enemies: Here are a couple of examples of their creativity: Ironic that Megan Kelly is attacked using the same kind of disparaging comment about women that she was asking the Donald to explain how it will play against the...

Puppetmaster of the Anti-Establishmentarian Movement - A Professional Marketer in Entertainment Field I have previously seen another headline similar to the one above connected to a story line completely fabricated in the mind of the the author of the propaganda journal DCWHISPERS.COM. The author of these hear say articles with their cleverly crafted headlines and specifically targeting Rubio, is James Jeness, a professional marketer who owns the website BIGJMMedia . Although the author of the articles published by DCWHISPERS is never identified, I uncovered his identity and address by looking up DCWHISPERS.COM on WhoIs . I have provided only the link here which does not require a captcha code but I followed it  into the capcha section of WhoIs to find out more about the identity of the author of this propaganda campaign against Rubio and others. Mr Jeness does not reside in Washington DC. He resides in Anderson Indiana. It's a pretty loud whisper that is heard all the ...

The Ever Flexible Political Victimization Strategy Of The Anti-Establishment Right.

Tweet This ! I recently joined a Face Book Page called I  Love America but it turned out to be a page exclusively for those who are in agreement with the world views of the far right- which I call anti-establishmentarians- because that is what they are. They have a doctrine representing the politcal correct points of view and anyone who differs with this doctrine one iota is labeled a Liberal, a RINO, or a Progressive. This includes the majority of the Republican Candidates in the primary race. Once so labeled one is identified as someone to whom the collective mind of anti-establishmentarians are instructed not to listen. This includes the majority of candiates opposing the Donald in the Republican primaries. It was easy for the anti-establishmentarians to land upon the Donald as their politcally correct choice for presidential nominee- they had already canceled out most candidates without a listen. Unlike most Americans - the anti-establishment...

Anti-Establishmentarian's Journal of Record Applies No Standards of Ethics to itself

This next story in the series on disinformation distribution via the internet is one of the most outrageous. July 24th, 2015 The story begins with a video of Ted Cruz telling a complicated story of due process in which the punch line is that Mitch McConnel is no better than Harry Reid : In this video Senator Cruz tells a long and  difficult to follow story with a clearly identifiable message : "McConnel=Harry Reid" ,fitting neatly into the anti-establishmentarians primary message : "All Republicans= All Democrats= corrupt" I confess that I did not have the patience to follow all the details of Mr Cruz's story. It takes far more concentration than one can expect from a public that commonly reads little beyond a headline.  I am not questioning the veracity of what Senator Cruz is saying but I do not take his telling of the story as the truth, the whole truth...