An Interview with Richard Light, Maine's next governor. Richard Light talks about getting the profit motive out of the government. In the late seventies Maine's constitutional form of government was replaced the profitas the government took on the role of investment banking.The new definition of government was created by and for a board of Maine's most prosperous businesses. Under Longley's instruction the board lead the Legislature in "running the government like a business" and the Legislature deemed that "Centrally managing the economy is an essential government function, which must be done by public private relationships". Ever since, there has been no room for a true people's voice in the political spectrum. The taxpayers have been the pawns in the game- "other people's money" for which the use is not voluntary but mandated by the public side of the public private relationships replacing our Maine constitutional form of government.
It is refreshing to hear Light's voice after forty years of the dark ages of government by and for special interests.
Tweet This As Governor, LePage seems on track to implement the Steve Woods plan of nudging the inhabitants of rural towns to move into urban centers. Steve Woods was then the would be CEO of the corporate state. In the video Mr Woods explains that the inhabitants of 108 Maine Towns are not serving the corporation as they should be. Mr Woods says the 108 municipalities of Maine are costing the corporation five times as much as the corporations recieves from these instrumentalities in sales tax revenue. Mr Woods speaks as a man managing a corporation not as a would be Governor of a state. He speaks in calm Obamaesque tones signaling that we can surely trust this erudite man so pro-active for the cause of state corporatism . The corporate state replaced Maine's constitution back in 1976 when Governor Longely called in the heads of Maine industry to restructure Maine as corporatio n, kicking the old fashioned Maine constitution out of ...
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