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Showing posts with the label public-private relationships

Maine State Inc Tries a Banana Republic Takeover of Central Maine Power

One of the first things a member of the Maine Legislature does is to take an oath to uphold the Maine Constitution. After that the Maine Constitution is out of sight, out of mind until it is needed to beat down an opposition policy. Some unconstitutional policies are not opposed by any side, Democrat, Republican or Independent. One such unconstitutional policy is the right of the Maine Legislature to charter corporations by special act of legislation, prohibited by the Maine Constitution in Article Iv, Part Third, Section 14 . Ever since Governor Longley and the 1976 Maine Legislature deemed the centrally managed economy and the public-private government into existence, every administration and Maine Legislature has been chartering corporations by special act of legislation, willy nilly. This is what I mean when I use the term Maine State Inc- specifically the network of corporations chartered by special act of legislation, which are in most cases public-private relationships. ...

Report on Boothbay Region Masterplan: Part One: Municipal Authority& Home Rule

. Jame's Brown's dancing is in the moment contrasting with the planned choreography of the backup dancers in their uniform suits. We all want to feel the joy of movement felt by the man who wears his own clothes. The video has an interesting political message. When Brown performs his signature dance move going down on his knees to the floor, three times, a suited man first treats him as a man fallen ill and then tries to adorn Brown with the robe of a king, which Brown throws off before joining the suits in a foursome and the freedom becomes contagious. This blog is authored by a legal layperson and citizen of Maine: The opinions are that of a citizen of the State of Maine, not a legal professional. I have been conducting an independent study on the Maine economic development statutes, The Maine Constitution, and related documents since 2009 and recording my findings on this blog. I spent some time reading the Maine municipal statutes in search of the rule of law gover...

MISSION: To Connect Global Popular & Local Understanding

TWEET THIS On day two of my crowdfunder I received my first contribution. I thank George Colby, whom I know via FaceBook, for his generosity, The other night I watched the premier of a new series on cable, Mr Roberts, Twenty or even ten years ago, the series would be considered science fiction but our contemporary world has already caught up with fiction and is now driving the story line. It is an age old theme about a secret sect of  the powerful who control the world, They go by different names-the most known name today is probably the Bilderberg Group. The series features such a corporate group secretly controlling the entire world through the E corporation, which the protagonist calls the Evil Corporation. The protagonist is a tech savvy young man- a security specialist working for the E Corporation. The series features a running narrative by the protagonist. A line that caught my attention was when the protagon...

Weston Neil Andersen 1922-2015

Tweet This This is my beautiful Dad and my great friend, Weston Neil Andersen, who died today. he had a loving heart and a great mind, intellectual, intuitive, and psychic. He represents that Maine that once was- a place where one can start a business on a dime and let it grow it's own way. I wonder what it will be like not having Dad around as part of the material world. Dad designed the mugs you see at the side and many other pieces in our line. Now he is with my mom, Brenda, again. Three days later: I feel that I want to write about my father at this time. I have another blog, the first blog I ever created called Sitting On A Log, That name came from the thought of being out in the middle of a forest and sitting on a log and thinking about everything and anything that enters one head, in other words contemplation,and so it seems in concept a more appropriate venue for my present thoughts, rather than this blog, where in...

Fascism (State Corporatism) Parsed in Kinder Gentler Terms

Tweet This ! This is a post I wrote  for a disussion on The Lepage Tax Plan The Maine Citizen  Woodcanoe- the whole plan to me looks like an attack on local sovereignty. Lorring and MRRA have none- the "middleman" (local government) has been eliminated for those two towns. Ever since The corporate state was established under Governor Longley as the first corporation The Maine Development Foundation, every administration has embraced the corporate state- it allows them to be business developers but business developers are not representatives of the public- they serve business interests only, which the legislature spins as "for the public benefit" which applies to the legislaure's targeted sector only, apparently businesses not in the targeted sector do not serve the public benefit. The state corporations are frequently named as business development corporations- including MRRA and Lorring and the DECD corporation. - Wha...

Maine Statute Affirms "Shared Values" with The People's Republic of China

SHARE ON TWITTER: Here we are at the day before the vote and I still have a lot of territory to cover regarding the 2013 Maine legislative session which I researched for my time line, A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation , which you can receive in full by sending a contribution to this otherwise unfunded independent research blog to via paypal. I will then send it to you via PayPal as download links never seem to stay functional for long.                      In my last post I covered the No-Contest between the interests of the general public's need to know about toxic materials and the business interests of Maine State Inc . In the same legislative session a bill was passed confirming Maine's friendship with Chi na 2013 JOINT RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THE STATE OF MAINE AND THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA Beginning with this s...